I got out and followed him to the front entrance as I stared at the house in front of me. It wasn't as nice as Jimin's, but it still was just as beautiful. The black modern exterior paired with an outdoor pool? This was definitely J.K coded. I shuddered at the thought about how many women have came here. "If walls could talk." I thought smirking.

"Want a drink?"

"Sure, whatever you have is fine." I said as he smiled. "I have it all, but I'll get you a glass of wine." I nodded as I made my way to a chair in the living room. "It's really nice in here J.K." I said low enough hoping he couldn't hear me.

"Thank you, I'm barely here so it feels new every time I come back." He laughed as he put a glass of red down in front of me as he sat down. "So, talk to me, what are you thinking?"

I sat there and took a small sip from my glass, wincing. Wine tasted different now to me. It smelled off, as if it was almost sour and rotting. He must have caught me, because he slid it over to him and continued to wait for my answer.

"I don't know, I know I'm out of time and I'd rather just get it done and over with." I said looking away from him.

"Did he message you at all?" He asked. I shook my head, "No."

"Well like I said, I'm here and I'm offering. It doesn't have to be stressful or crazy Athena. I'm just helping a newbie out you know? I'm fine with it."

"He won't be fine with it."

"Oh I know he won't, but he doesn't need to find out does he?" He shrugged as he downed the rest of his drink. He stood up from his seat and held out his hand to me. "Where are we going?" I asked as I reached out but hesitated. "Upstairs."

'I should leave'

I nodded as I took his hand, he took me slowly up each step, as I felt like I was walking to my death, like I couldn't be making a worse decision. But I couldn't stop myself, it's almost as if my mind wasn't in control of my body anymore. I stopped fighting myself and gave into it. "What's the worst that can happen? He hates me forever?" I grimaced at the thought but pushed it away in my mind for later, I was good at that apparently.

He walked me to a door near the end of the hall that was lit with dim lighting and black accents. The bed laid against the window and was covered in black satin sheets. In fact almost everything in the room was black. He had a white lit neon sign placed above his dresser on the opposite side that read "Eat Me." I rolled my eyes, "How fitting." I thought as I walked in.
I stood there looking around nervously as he let go of me and left me alone as he went into the bathroom behind me. He came back with a smile, "I left you a towel and stuff in the bathroom for after in case you wanted to shower, it can get a bit messy the first time." He said as if we were teenagers on prom night.

'God he really is an international playboy'

"Uhh, great thanks." I mumbled as I felt my body shake with nerves, my senses acting up again as I could smell the faint smoke smell on his shirt from earlier and vanilla stronger now, much stronger.

"So how do you want to do this? I'm going to need you to-" I stopped as I could feel him now behind me, as he trailed his hands up my sides to reach up and tie up my hair for me. I shuddered as he trailed them back down my back, stopping at my waist. "Do you want to leave your coat on, or should we take this off?"

"Oh, I uhm- didn't even r-realize it was still on."

He said nothing as he pulled his hands up to my shoulders and lightly grazed my collarbone as he slowly pulled my coat off of me, exposing my backless satin dress from earlier. I could feel my legs tighten again as his energy started to slowly take effect on my body.

Silver Lining / PJMWhere stories live. Discover now