Chapter 1 - The Usual

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"Hey! Yuki-chan! Wait up!" You were chasing after a close friend of yours. The two of you just got out of practice and were heading back home. One of the main reasons that you called the younger Okumura by that nickname was because you knew that he despised it.

"[y/n]. I would appreciate it if you referred to me by the correct title." He was walking stiffly, like he always did. You simply rolled your eyes.

"Whatever you say." You were sill going to call him 'chan'. A thought invaded your mind. "Yuki-chan!" The said teen gave you a look, knowing you would never change. "Can you take me to see Rin?" Your fellow Dragoon's face turned panic stricken.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea. Why don't you come to the cram school if you want to see him so bad?" This conversation had gone over many times, and never had it turned out well.

"Ugh!" You weren't even gonna start. "How about I just talk to you later? Practice drained me today." If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have thought that Yukio was capable of smirking. He waved as you took off to your small home.

The apartment was above a bakery, from which you often buy breakfast and lunch. The guy who worked there had a thing for you and you didn't really pay attention to him. Have you ever heard of a 'butterface'? He was a 'buthisface'. Sure he had a good body, but he wasn't very nice or good looking.

"Hey Masaru." You greeted him as he closed up shop. He shot you a smile and you sent him a peace sign back. The usual. You unlocked your door on the second floor and tossed your keys on the counter after going into the secluded home.

It was nice, with violet walls in the living room and teal ones in your room. The furniture in the former was black, white in the latter. Your kitchen had lemon yellow walls and nice light sandy wood cupboards complimenting them.

You grabbed leftover takeout from the fridge covered in sticky notes and ate it cold before passing out on your comfy lime colored sheets.

The usual.

Rin Okumura x Reader - JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now