Warship Island and a Great Encounter!

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"Say, you guys..." Luffy said, immediately the villagers guards were back up.

"Wh-what?!" A man asked hesitantly.

"Is there a BBQ restaurant on this island?!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Huh?" The villagers were completely baffled and didn't know what to make of the boy in the Straw Hat. "Wh-what's with this guy?"

"Listen! They're pirates, but their good ones." Apis explained she really wanted everyone to be friends.

"-Are they really good pirates?"

"-Yes!" Apis shot back.

Yukiko then stepped up. "Our apologies, but we promised to get Apis home safely." She smiled softly as the villagers all suddenly blushed at the sight of the lovely young lady.

"Ah, we understand." They quickly said.

"Weren't you taken by the Navy in the first place Apis?" One of the men asked.

"Yeah but I managed to escape. And then these guys. Luffy, Yuki-neechan and everyone else saved me!" She told them.

Yukiko and Pachi nodded.

"Yeah." Luffy said.

"What did you do Apis?" The villagers started to question, "We don't know why but the Navy was looking for you."

"You should stay away from your home. They're still around."

"What am I going to do?" Apis fretted she couldn't go back home, the Navy was after her. This was becoming a real problem.

"We'd like to help, but...they're pirates, right?" The village man said reluctantly. Tsuna understood, they wanted to help the child but was afraid of what the Navy might do to them if they got involved with both Apis and pirates. It was selfish but they had to think about their own families first.

"Ahh, what should we do?" Apis pondered.

"Like she said, we're good pirates." Ussop defended.

"Apis!" Someone called. The crowed made way for an old man. Tsuna assumed he was the elder of the village, "come to my house!" He invited.

"Who's that?" Nami asked.

"Don't know." Luffy replied.

"Probably the village elder." Yukiko said.

"Grandpa Bokuden!" Apis exclaimed running up to the aging old and and embracing him in a hug.

Grandpa Bokuden laughed in relief. "I'm glad your safe. Thank you for saving Apis. How about this? I'd like to throw a small welcome party for you."

"Is your place a BBQ restaurant?" Luffy asked hopefully.

"It's not a BBQ restaurant, but Grandpa Bokuden makes the best pork buns on the whole island." Apis explained to Luffy.

"Alright let's go!" Luffy exclaimed.

"We'll go then." Zoro said.
Although the old man's stories was boring everyone out, Yukiko and Pachi noticed Apis was heading somewhere and decided to follow her.

Although Apis was surprised, she allowed Yukiko and Pachi come along with her as she had a large bag full of pork buns.

"What do you need them for? That's a lot of pork buns, what are you feeding?"

"You'll see." Apis said.

They came to a cave they continued in and deep into the cave, Yukiko and Pachi froze in amazement. There laying right in front of her was the the myth of the island. A Dragon! It was covered all over in green feathers apart from the top of its head which was bald. It looked old and weak meaning he was slowly dying.

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