Happiness and miracles

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Time had passed since you had become mates with Jake and neytiri, and your once normal life had changed over that one night. You had become happy as you saw that you were finally making a new life here, on pandora with your mates and friends. The life you made here was something you didn't want to give up, as this is where you belong and you there was always something happening here on pandora that either brought happiness or miracles.

Y/n " ......" you open your eyes and wake up in that home you're shared with your mates, but that was not that only thing that changed within your life. After you had become mates with Jake and neytiri you started spending more time in your avatar, body as everyone thought it will be good for when you go through the eyes of eywa. Soon everyone knew you as neytiri and Jake mate or wife after you and them shared the new with the clan, and everyone was happy about the new. As you were in your own thought soon your ears had went up after hearing the sounds of baby cry.

y/n " I'm coming Neteyam" you had gotten out of bed quickly and quite not trying to wake up your sleeping mates, you soon walked towards the crib and picked up baby neteyam.

y/n " hush my son your mama is here" neteyam seem to clam down once he heard your voice and felt you holding him, you soon went into the common area of the home.

y/n " now let see what can make you smile my baby boy" Neteyam was born last year as Neteyam had while ago, from neytiri the first kids born in the family. Even due you didn't have Neteyam you were still seen as his mom.

???? " ma y/n" you soon looked back and saw neytiri had waken up, she soon sat near you, looking at you and neteyam.

y/n " good morning my love you know you didn't have to get out of bed, I can take care of neteyam from here"

neytiri " no I wanted to come and be with you and our Neteyam" neytiri enjoyed watching you and neteyam being very close.

neytiri " here I will get started on breakfast"

y/n " okay" you were holding Neteyam keeping his entertained by talking to him, and showing him the wooden toy that Jake made for him.

???? " well good morning my beautiful wives and adorable son" Jake soon entered the room, as neytiri was cooking breakfast and you were
keeping neteyam busy.

Jake "  hey buddy come to dada" jake had taken neteyam from you as you watched him rock Neteyam and keep him entertained as well.

y/n "  what are are in our plans for today" the family had breakfast together keeping up a small conversation as well.

Jake " well we have the day together so we can ...."

???? " Jake income Jake" soon Jake com link had started going off getting everyone attention. Soon enough Jake and answer the income call for all three of you to hear.

Jake " Jake here what the matter"

norm " Jake it norm we need you at the laboratory right now and bring y/n and neytiri with you, something has happen to grace avatar" the tiro soon got up fast after hearing that it had been a while since grace death, and it was still effecting all three of them. When you arrived at the laboratory there you all saw that grace avatar is pregnant.

y/n " how can this happen grace didn't mention have a relationship with anyone"

norm " we don't know we saw it this morning and ran some test she pregnant"

y/n " ma neytiri and Jake" neytiri had neteyam in a baby carrier and her and Jake were looking at grace and soon at you.
Jake " we will take in grace baby and raise her as out own"

norm " are you two sure we can ..."

y/n " we are sure grace meant so much to us all we have to take in her baby" then it was decided the couple will raise grace baby when it was born, soon grace avatar will have a daughter who was named kiri. She had become the family new addiction making the family home even more happy.

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