New life with them - they see me

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Aimi love all her mates or husband a lot she had been told of this word from Jake it was earth word to call a male mate, for humans so that times you will call them that. This will bring a smile to jake face as he loved being called husband by you and was happy you called him that, while neytiro and Tsu'tey were very confused about the whole world but still let her call them husband. After the whole war with the RDA it had can't everyone a hard time to move on from what happened before and after the war, but soon life had moved on and everyone was able to find some hope and miracles in their new lives.

Aimi " ......" airia had started waking up as the sun was shining on her face, when she finally open her eyes she saw her mates were still asleep, she did her best to slip pass them without waking them up. She soon entree the common area of their home and started working on breakfast for her mates, she had started feeling a bit off.

Aimi " ummm" aimi was cooking the breakfast as she was trying to understand what was the matter with her as she hadn't felt like this before until now. She felt ever ill and a type of ill she hadn't felt before until now she was very confused and trying to understand what she was sick with that the moment.

????? " morning beautiful" aimi soon saw Jake stepping out of the bedroom and soon sit next to aimi, he gave her his usual smirk and kissed her left check.

Jake " is everything okay my love"

Aimi " I don't know I feel a bit off"

Jake " huh what do you mean"

Aimi " iI feel like something off with me or maybe it just it very early in the morning"

????? " what going on" aimi soon looked and saw neytiro and tsutey show themselves they soon greet aimi with a kiss and soon sat down looking at their wife, all three husbands had conceded looks on their faces.

Tsu'tey " tell us what is the matter yawne"

Aimi " I don't know I feel off and I don't know why is has never happened before"

Neytiro " you should go see my mother and see if she can help you "

Aimi " sure I will go see her later on today"

Neytiro " no you will go see her when we are done eating breakfast as we need to know if you are sick or not"

Aimi " yes ma neytiro maybe it wont be that bad as I think"

Tsu'tey " Take it easy as well today until you started feeling better, you should be overworking yourself"

Aimi "I will take sure I take it easy today"

Jake " be safe and we will be gone for some of the day today but we will be back tonight, and once we are home you can tell us how everything went" aimi had nodded her head at Jake words and soon the couple had ate breakfast together and talked a bit as well, before all three man had to leave the home and village.

Mo'at " oh aimi welcome I was hoping to see you today"

Aimi " hello mo'at I had come here seeking some medical help I woke up feeling off"

Mo'at " please come lay down dear and I can see what is the matter" aimi had nodded her head and soon laid down on mat that was rolled out, while mo'at had stared examine her daughter in law. She was hoping for it was not bad she couldn't bare getting any bad news after everything that had happen last year.

Aimi " what the matter" mo'at had stoped touching aimi stomach and soon looked at her with small smile on her face.

Mo'at " it seems like we have some good new you are with child aimi" aimi soon got up fast and looked at her mother in law with a shocked experience on her face, was she hearing moat fords clearing was she really pregnant.

Aimi " I'm with child"

Moat " yes you are with child aimi I know very well when a women is experiencing a child and you are in that position right now"

Aimi " I take believe that I'm really pregnant I thought it wont be happen the years I and I might have to wait longer"

Moat " well it seems like eywa has shined her light on you and now you are future mother does my son, Jake, and tsutey know of this wonderful new"

Aimi " no I haven't told them yet of the new of my pregnancy we didnt know what was the matter with me until now"

Moat " well then you shouldn't wait and tell them once the time is right"

Aimi " thank you moat"

Moat " I happy for you aimi after all that happen last years you deserve some happiness and I will make sure not to share the new with anyone, until you share the news with your mates" aimi and moat had spent the rest of the day talking with each other and enjoying each other company, as she was starting to smile brightly about her news of pregnancy.

Later that night

Aimi " welcome home" soon aimi was getting dinner ready when her mates had entered the home laughing and talking. They soon started putting their weapon away. All three man had their backs turned to you while they were talking and looking back at aimi.

Jake " dinner smells good love"

Aimi " thank you"

Jake " so how are you feeling"

Aimi " good"

Neytiro " so what did my mom have to say"

Aimi " well she shared good new with him when I want to see her so we have nothing to worry about"

Tsu'tey " what the new"

Aimi " well our family of four will be growing" soon all three man had turned around and looked at aimi with shocked expression on their faces they were trying to understand the new well,

Jake " wait you are pregnant"

Aimi " yes I hope that is .... " aimi had stood up and looked at her mates and soon jake had hugged her he as so happy, soon tsutey and neytiro joined the hug they are happy as well. All three males are happy about the new now that they got to celebrate something for the family and clan.

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