Father - navi child

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Your childhood life was wonderful and fun as you'd fathers always made sure to spend their time with your, and take good care of you as well. When you had become eight you were told by some mean teens that you were not norm daughter and that you were orphaned as your birth mom dead and your father was unknown. That small incident was mot good as you were five and started crying when the kid told you, alarming everyone and soon starting conflict between multiple adults and parents.

Y/n " umm dad I have a question"

Norm " sure sweetie wait shouldn't you be out with your friends"

Y/n " we are meeting up later but there something I need to discuss with you"

Norm " okay what the matter"

Y/n " would it be fine if I stay out longer with kiro then usual please he want to show me something"

Norm " sure honey was there anything else you wish to tell me"

Y/n " no I'm good nothing else to tell dad"

Norm " okay have fun but remember to bring an extra pack with you as well"

Y/n " yes sir" you soon left the human base and put on your mask as your walked outside where kiro was waiting.

Kiro " so did he tell you who your father was"

Y/n " umm I didn't ask him"

Kiro " what you didn't ask him why"

Y/n " I don't know I was trying to find the words to tell him but I couldn't say anything to him, I didn't want to seem like I want to know this unknown man and leave my family"

Kiro " oh y/n"

Y/n " I love my dads but I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable or that I don't love them anymore"

Kiro " don't worry girl it will be okay"

Y/n " I will try asking my dad again"

Kiro " well come on let's have some fun it will cheer you up"

Y/n " sure" you and kiro soon ran off together heading to explore the forest and all it had to offer.

At base

Norm " ......"

Tsu'tey " ma norm what the matter you are very quite today"

Norm " it about our daughter I think something bothering her" soon all the adults that were near by had looked back at norm.

Jake " what do you mean"

Norm " well she asked me if we can speak about something and she sounded serious, but she soon acted it off asking if she can hangout with Kiro later on tonight"

Trudy " I think I  know what the matter"

Neytiri " what do you mean Trudy"

Trudy " I overheard y/n and kiro talking and the topic about her father she wants to know about him"

Tsutey " no"

Trudy " they seemed like it has been a conversation they have been having for a while"

Tsu'tey " no she won't learn about that demon I won't have it happening she my daughter"

Jake " my brother you have to understand she wants to know about him, we have to think about telling her"

Tsutey " he already help take enough from her him and life you wish for him, to ruin her life from the dead"

Norm " we have to tell her my husband to can't keep lying there, was some good in that man deep down somewhere"

Jake " neytiri it seem like we might need to have the same conversation with our son as well"

Neytiri " yes those two are the ones who don't have answers of their fathers,but we might not given them the answers they need"

Moat " be honest with the kids and they will open up and talk" the adults had agreed on the matter it was time to be honest with their children.

Later that night

Y/n " hey dad I'm home" you soon entered the home was was avatar and navi size so Tsu'tey could come into the home, but when you entered the living room there was note one the coffee table.

Norm " hey sweetie dinner is ready"

Tsu'tey " hello my sweet daughter"

Y/n " father you are here"

Tsu'tey " yes there is something I and your dad wish to discuss with you about"

Y/n " sure what the matter"

Norm " the matter is your father your birth father I know you were trying to ask me that question today"

Y/n " yes look we can forget about the matter ..."

Tsu'tey " no we most talk to you about the matter right now sit down and we will tell you everything we know" you had sat down with fathers and enjoyed the evening meal as the told you everything that was good for you to know. They aid once you become older they will tell your more of stuff about your birth father but the only thing you knew was that his name was spider sorocco and your had a grandmother here named Paz sorocco. There were stuff about another family member but that name was not on the record for you to look at right now.

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