Soulmates by eywa

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Never in your wild life did you ever think you will be falling in love with two people, that meant so much to you that was until life on Pandora had changed your whole perspective. As time was growing your had started forming a great relationship with neytiri and Jake, it a beautiful relationship that kept on growing over time. Soon some feeling that you never had before soon came into play for you.These feeling will soon start changing everything in your life, and your were praying to eywa for some guidance.

Y/n" ......"As you were sitting in the laboratory thinking to yourself about the feeling your have for your two best friends, and these feeling were growing.

norm " hey you are still here I thought you will be out with Jake and neytiri right now"
y/n " I was thinking about something and lost track of time"

Norm " you know they will never know your feelings of you keep on hiding them"

y/n " I know but im scared this will ruin my relationship with them, and the clan wants them together as they make a very powerful couple"

norm " I say you should not pay attention to them the more your act like this then you might lose your chance with either one of them"

y/n " then what if they don't love me back"
norm " you will never know if you don't try"
y/n " thank you norm well I'm off I will see you later"

Norm " good luck" you had nodded your head before you walked toward the capsule and soon got inside, as the transfer soon set in and you woke up.

y/n " well time to get the day started" you soon got up from your hammock bed, and soon left tent for the avatar bodies and head towards the village.

????? " you are being a child this won't work and you will make work even harder for us"

???? " oh come one neytiri give me a chance I know my plan will work perfectly" you had heard the voice of Jake and neytiri talking you and watched from far away. They make such a perfect couple with each other, there was no denying that maybe eywa made them a perfect pair.

Neytiri " no Jake it won't work and you will make use waste the day fixing your mess"

Jake " oh come on tiri I know you understand me it will be fun and it will give us time together"
neytiri " no you fool ... y/n you are here finally" neytiri had spotted your a smile growing on her face when she saw you standing there, she soon made her way over to you.

y/n " hello neytiri"

neytiri " good you are finally here now help me convincesthat idea of him using human weapon, and adding some navi style is stupid"

y/n " oh well I don't have that much to say about the matter"

Jake " oh come on y/n you are our best friend and most important  person so what do you say"

y/n " well I think Jake idea is not that bad It seems good as we can use both human stye and omatacayia style as well"

Jake " told you she will always agree with him that my girl" Jake soon hugged you whole sticking his tongue out at neytiri.

Neytiri " please don't encourage this behavior ma y/n please" neytiri soon puled you away from Jake hissing at hime and soon place a hand on your check, making you smile.

Jake " hey why don't you come with us flying there are some other stuff we need to do, but we are going flying on our ikrans"

Y/n " are you sure I can find some work around here I don't want to be a bothersome to you both"

neytiri " ma y/n you are never a bothersome and it will be good to have you with us, we love doing work with you and it will give us time away from here" you soon smiled at the pair and nodded
your head Jake and neytiri were happy to see that you agree to come with them. Soon the tiro had left village together having a good time, but it seemed like you were keeping your distance from the two.

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