ℭ𝔥 28×𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲

Start from the beginning

"Jungkook San, I want to talk to jimin in alone. So I request you to wait outside." Taehyung said, smiling faintly at the alpha.

"Why? You can talk to him in front of me too. Talk here-"

"No. It is something about omegas. Now, please." Saying this, he walked into his chamber, with jimin following him from behind.

As soon as the doors got closed, jungkook groaned, and attached his ear to the door to hear what are they talking about inside. The doors of this temple are thin, so anyone can hear what someone is talking about inside, or outside of the rooms. Also, wolves have super hearing.

Taehyung walked towards of the couch which was placed in his chamber, and made jimin sit there, and he himself sat beside him.

Jimin yelped when taehyung held on his wrist, and pulled up the sleeve of his hanbok, and the alpha's eyes darken.

"How you got them?" He asked, his tone getting colder and deeper, which made a shiver runs down the omega's body. The injuries are not healed yet, because jimin is on his heat, and on heats, the healing capacity of an omega decreases.

He did not said anything, and just kept his mouth closed.

Jimin gasped when taehyung pulled his hanbok down from his neck. Taehyung clicked his tongue in his mouth, when he saw the mating mark on his scent gland.

"Jimin, tell me, who did this?" Again, jimin remain silent.

"JIMIN I AM ASKING YOU SOMETHING! I KNOW YOU CANNOT LIE AND YOUR SILENCE MEANS THAT YOU ARE HIDING SOMETHING! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!?" Taehyung shouted on him, which made the omega flinch, and jungkook, who was standing outside and hearing everything, almost broke the doors when he heard taehyung shouting on his mate.

This made jimin tear up, and that was when taehyung's eyes softened.

He pulled his soulmate in his embrace, and kissed on the top of his head, and started to run his hand on his back.

"Minnie, I apologise for raising my voice on you. But, your silence is killing me. Tell me what happened when I was not here. Is this done by jungkook? You are not only having mating mark on your neck, but also having the love marks, which I know are fresh. Tell me, is jungkook forcing you?" He asked, once again, this time, in calmer tone.

"J-jungkook did not did anything. He just marked me. This was done by some wolves when I went in forest alone. They tried to claim me, but jungkook saved me." He said, and taehyung just hummed in response.

"And, did jungkook marked you by your consent?" For a moment, jimin fell silent, but he shook his head as no.

Taehyung took a deep breath, to calm his rising anger down. He cannot kill jungkook, not after he marked jimin.

"And, the love marks? What about them? Did jungkook, did jungkook claimed you?" And jimin shook his head as no.

"Then did he touched you?" Jimin nodded.

Taehyung sighed, and hugged the omega once again.

"I know even if I will ask you, you will not tell anything to me. But do not let jungkook touch you if you are not ready. Okay? Tell me if he dare to touch you again without your permission, and I will break his arms." He threatened, at which jimin's grip just tighten on his biceps.

Taehyung smiled, and kissed on forehead.

"I am always here for you minnie. Just keep this in your mind. Also, you are a strong omega, you do not have to be scared of anything." Taehyung said once again, at which jimin closed his eyes, and nodded.

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