Torque • 48

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The asshole is blatantly touching our mate like he doesn't have a single care about his damn life at all

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The asshole is blatantly touching our mate like he doesn't have a single care about his damn life at all.

I quickly catch Arken from the side of my eye beginning to lose his shit over Poseidon being so damn presumptuous with Haze.

With me knowing full and damn well if Arken does end up going after Poseidon like I know that he so desperately wants to do I decide to swiftly step right in front of him while blocking his view of the horror that we are watching happen before us.

I instinctively know that calmer heads need to prevail here if we want to get our mate away from him and him completely out of our lives once and for all.

If Ark does end up going all ape shit on Poseidon prematurely it will do nothing to help us accomplish our goal.

"Take your hands off of her you damn prick. She is not and never will belong to you!" Tee abruptly yells from behind Ark.

I drop a dissatisfied sigh over the hot heads that are surrounding me.

They all need to reign in their damn tempers before we end up losing this battle. I for one feel the same exact way as they do but I know that I need to keep my wits about me if we are going to be able to defeat a powerful ass God such as Poseidon.

Grumbling out a low hiss at the two morons behind me I decidedly give them both a heated look before I turn my full attention back to my mate and Poseidon.

"I have already told you imbeciles that she is the reincarnation of my dear departed wife. I will do whatever I see fit to do to her and not one of you can stop me." He squawks as he drops his hand away from Hazes face to stare defiantly over at us.

I don't know exactly how we are going to be able to destroy such a formidable man as he is but beat him we must.

For Hazes and our daughters sake.

"But she is not mother dad. There is no possible way that she could be. She doesn't look anything like our mother. There isn't even a slight resemblance between the two of them." A fresh new voice echoes out from behind me. I instantly turn myself around into a battle stance as soon as I heard the intruders deep daunting voice.

With my knees bent slightly and my fist hanging up in the air, ready for battle, I stiffen my entire body up when I recognize the unwelcome visitor that has invaded our little stand off.

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