Diesel • 11

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Well fuck me if I didn't just happen to come back at the perfect damn time

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Well fuck me if I didn't just happen to come back at the perfect damn time.

It took a lot for me to bring my ass crawling back here. Especially after the fiasco with my so called brother and me.

If it wasn't for my damn useless father denying me any part of his fluent estate and my partial claim to all of his vast holdings in his will my ass wouldn't of come back here at all.

It was quite easy for me to get back into the Elite group though, it's amazing how my pops money can influence anybodies decision for the right amount of course.

I may not be the leader of the Elite like I was once before when I use to attend here but I'm sure it won't take me too long to get back my old position.

That's exactly why I crashed the damn house party in the first place. I wanted to check up on my brother and on the rest of the members of the Elite before I started back at school on Monday.

But to my surprise I ended up finding more there than I could have ever bargained for, I actually found her.

When I accidentally bumped straight into her I felt the jolts of sparks hit me right in my shoulder instantly.

Fuck I wasn't only thrilled that I had finally my mate, I was fucking ecstatic over it. That's why I leaned into her ear and whispered lowly to her that I finally found her.

But then I seen big man Ark standing right there beside her just like she was his. That pissed me off more than I thought it would have.

I've always had the upmost respect for Arken. He is one solid dude that doesn't take shit off of anyone but when I saw him standing so close to her I really wanted punch him right square into his damn face.

I had to walk away from them then.

I couldn't get into a damn fight with anybody just yet. Not when my goals are finally coming to fruition.

I had to resist my urges to fucking punch him like I really wanted to fucking do, so I had to walk away from them unfortunately but I really did hate walking away from her.

Fuck me, if she isn't the finest piece of ass that I have ever had the joy to behold.

Then later on I found out she was not only Arkens mate but the other guys mate also. What a damn mess.

I hate the very idea of having to share my woman with any damn one.

That's why I went to Torq last night at the party. I needed all of the finer details about her. I needed to know desperately. I played it dumb though. Neither of them ever caught on.

But he only gave a little bit away to me unfortunately it wasn't enough to satisfy my curiosity though I needed to know more. So much more.

That's when I hit the damn jackpot. Ark came over to me at the party, while we were chit chatting, he let a lot more slip out of his damn mouth that he even realized.

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