Haze • 40

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When Wanda finally entered into my dank prison I quickly spring up from off of the floor and walk to to the end of the bed while eyeing her suspiciously

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When Wanda finally entered into my dank prison I quickly spring up from off of the floor and walk to to the end of the bed while eyeing her suspiciously.

As she sauntered into the cell further she obviously didn't realize, to my good fortune, to lock my cell door behind her. How contrite is that?

I take full advantage of the opportunity she unwillingly gave to me as I move off to the side to let her continue cleaning up my putrid mess on the bed. Under any normal circumstances I would be obliged to clean up my own mess but this is exactly what she deserves, especially after the way she has treated me, by playing ignorant to my helpless pleas.

While I stealthily move directly out of her way I slowly make my way over to the little wooden table at the other side of room that Addison used earlier to place the lamp upon.

Without hesitating I hastily grab up the table to bring it back over my shoulders quietly.

While putting my full force behind it, I angrily pummel the back of Wanda's head with the table while she was bent over remaking the bed.

Luckily, she tumbles over into the bed completely unconscious. I'm actually amazed at how easy that was done.

Dropping the table haphazardly onto the cell floor I take off running straight for the unlocked cell door, with my anxiety nearly swallowing me whole.

Quietly closing the door behind me I lighten my steps as I bravely progress forward to the creaky door. I keep repeating a single constant plea in my mind that Addison will be nowhere around while I try to make my escape. I only get one shot at this and I can't fathom the very idea of me blowing it.

Unfortunately, the door creaks loudly as I open it. Fuck! I put a cringe on my face as I try to maneuver my way in between the crack of the door without trying to open it up any further. It's too risky for me to open it any further with the loud irritating noises it keeps making.

I luckily get pass the door to surprisingly enter into what looks like a random supply closet.

The chemicals that are in the closet smell something akin to that of bleach or chlorine. It smells as if a skunk just lost his battle in here. The horrible putrid smell makes me involuntarily gag.

There's also various folded towels along with some lotions and strangely enough some swimming pool supplies.

Furrowing my brows at the strange items around me I can only surmise that I'm now in some type of storage room that stores things for an in ground swimming pool. It seems like a very strange place for my prison to be located.

I decided that I needed to hurry things along so I quickly reach out for the door handle with trembling fingers. The cold metal from the door handle sends a shiver straight through me.

But thankfully the thick wooden door before me is unlocked as I try my best to open it as quietly as I possibly can.

Stepping out of the door I walk straight into a giant opened yard, that of course, just as I suspected, has a giant sized pool up close to a very large old style three story white with black trim house.

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