Bray • 47

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Multiple POVS

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Multiple POVS

The challenge of us having a good, peaceful, and relaxing life is starting to become more of a damn dream than reality.

After Stella was basically kicked the hell out, Haze slid right into a deep depression that none of us were even capable of getting her out of.

The only person that could bring a genuine smile to Hazes face these past few days has been our adorable daughter, Lanesra.

Although me and the guys have tried numerous of times to drag her out of her deep despair, we don't seem to have the right capabilities of doing it.

Our new bedroom is finally finished, it now has a fresh coat of soft light yellow paint to adorn its walls, I was hoping that since it was completed that we could all possibly break it in.

But with Haze feeling so damn down here recently, I don't think that my idea is going to be option.

I wish there was someway that one of us could bring her out of her depression, so that we may start getting on with our lives.

It always seems like once we have passed one damn hurdle another one quickly pops up out of fucking nowhere.

At least our new jobs in the Royal Guard is going well. The training is rigorous as hell though. Not only do we have to train ourselves with different types of weaponry but we also have to train ourselves out of all things, to fight on top of a damn horse.

Although I'm not unfamiliar with horses my brother Bran is objectively terrified of them.

Watching him trying to train around the horses is nothing but comical.

I have never heard my brother scream like he did the day that Torq brought the horses out onto the training field. He sounded just like a teenage girl who just happen to lay her eyes upon a giant ass spider.

Just thinking about it now makes me chuckle.

As I plop down on the sectional couch in our living room, I grab ahold of the remote, hoping that if I could just get lost up in some random movie, it will help me take my mind off of everything that seems to be going wrong in our lives.

Surfing through the random channels on the television aimlessly, I get abruptly interrupted by Tee, Diesel, and Jay sauntering into the room.

For half of us, it's our first day off since we started the job. Ark, Bran, and Torq had to go into work today while me, Tee, Diesel, and Jay will go in tomorrow to allow the others their much needed day off.

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