Jaylen • 15

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🚨 Slight Smut 🚨

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🚨 Slight Smut 🚨

My pain stems from my crippling past. All thanks to my cruel and demented Uncle who ended up having to raise me because my damn parents were more in love with their forsaken drugs than they were with me at the time.

What they didn't realize or even cared about was that my Uncle Quentin, my mothers brother, was a sick sadistic twisted pedophile.

That forbidden love that they had for chasing the ultimate high was what inevitably killed them both and did me in simultaneously.

When I was left in his custody at the tender young age of just six my Uncle was more than happy to enjoy his new little plaything almost every fucking night until I was able to get away from him at the age of thirteen.

For seven long and painful fucking agonizing years I had to suffer under his vile and disgusting sadistic ways.

Seven years of absolute torture from his deranged sexual conquest. Seven fucking long hellish and scarring years.

I was eventually rescued thankfully from my fathers only sister, my Aunt Becky, a very sweet loving woman who inevitably ended up changing my  entire life completely.

She threw me into therapy right after she discovered what my damn Uncle was doing to me during my nightmarish stay with him.

Now my Uncle is locked up in the federal prison for at least fifteen plus years for what he not only did to me but what he also did with other little innocent boys around the neighborhood that we lived in at that certain time.

My Aunt Becky ended up saving me from that beast but she also ended up saving me from myself.

After I tried, but never succeeded thankfully, to commit suicide when I turned fifteen because of what my Uncle unabashedly put me through, she never once left my side or blamed me for any of it. In my opinion that woman is a fucking Saint and Haze actually kind of reminds me of her in some ways.

They both have the same amount of compassion and understanding within them. They both have that soft tender kindness that anyone would be envious of and they both have me as their protectors.

I would without a single doubt die for my Aunt Becky, as she would for me and I would also lay down my very own life for my mate just like I would for my Aunt.

So why am I having such a hard time being faithful to her? Why can't I get Bray out of my damn system?

Maybe in a way I'm just like my own parents, they both had a strong addiction that they couldn't seem to fight off like I do but my addiction seems to be for Bray instead of drugs. Apparently he's my damn drug of choice.

That's why I intentionally skipped out on going to school today. After last nights fiasco with us having to confess to Haze about everything that we cowardly did behind her back, I just couldn't face her or Bray today.

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