Blaze • 27

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She left out of the dining room crying hysterically with Bran willingly tucking her in safely at his side

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She left out of the dining room crying hysterically with Bran willingly tucking her in safely at his side.

I want to kick my damn self for being unable to corner her as we both had planned to do earlier.

The plan was going perfectly until Arken had to show his ass just like a damn possessive little prick. 

I nearly wanted to bust out in uproarious laughter at Arks misguided presumptions about me.

Like I would actually want to be mated to someone like Haze in the first damn place.

I put it on way extra thick when he just outright accused me of being exactly just like my man whore of a cousin Torq.

If he only knew the half of the story he would of undoubtedly blown a damn gasket at me right there in the dining room in front of every fucking body. I give all the thanks to my acting skills that he didn't.

But I had to play it cool. I had to act like I truly did want her. Like I was beholden by her, like I was happy to be her damn mate. As fucking if.

I could nearly taste the damn bile in the back of my throat for having to act like I really did enjoy touching her or even be near her.

What my cousin and Uncle along with the others don't actually know about me is that I muck would prefer the company of men compared to women.

Yes, I have a stellar reputation at being a ladies man but that was only brought about from my own well planned out design.

Not once has anyone ever seen me or known about my predilections to the male species.

I have always been seen about town with some beautiful striking woman hanging from my arm so that I am able to deflect any baseless rumors or accusations about my own secret sexuality.

Even my own parents don't know my little well hidden secret and I plan on keeping it that way for the time being at least.

Until we can manage to work out all of our devious plans for Haze and her family that is.

I'm tasked with awful job of wooing Haze over to my side. I need to make her believe all of my lies, just until I can get her far away from her overprotective mates.

Then I will hand her over to him with a giant smile planted right on my face and receive my final payment from him for all of my tedious hard work that I have to unfortunately endure and all for him. I will finally get my just rewards, so to speak.

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