Torque • 23

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I found Diesel in my father's musty ass dungeon fast asleep on top of a small flimsy moldy ass disgusting mattress on the far side of the room

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I found Diesel in my father's musty ass dungeon fast asleep on top of a small flimsy moldy ass disgusting mattress on the far side of the room.

The back of his shirt is nearly ripped into complete shreds from my father's unquestionable ruthlessness, there's also a lot of blood splatter that's soaked right into the fabric of his shirt, a hard core maiming is apparently what he received for his unbecoming behavior toward are fucking father. He didn't even try to go easy on him. The poor bastard.

I should kill my fucking evil father for what he just did to my brother.

After Diesel was dragged away from us while kicking and screaming, I sourly laid right into my father but it was of no use, as fucking always. He just callously laughed over at me with a diabolical laugh before he baselessly threatened me yet again.

He sternly warned me that not only would he disinherit both Diesel and I, he would also yank us right out of school if we didn't comply with his outlandish wishes.

That's a chance that I obviously didn't want to take, not with the current danger hanging over my mates head with Addison.

If I couldn't be there to protect like I claimed that I would then I'm pretty damn sure that Addison would eventually find her to use her for his own personal agenda.

With my fathers threat now thrown into my face I unfortunately have no other choice but to bend to his will.

After I dragged an unconscious Diesel back to my room and threw him on my bed I then shut off the light, I decided to sit down in my brown leather chair that is located in the corner of my room to contemplate on how I'm going to get all of us out of this messed up situation that my damn father has put us in.

Without any answers forthcoming I begin to drift off into a dreamless sleep right in my chair.

Hearing a slight commotion coming from the outside of my bedroom door I faintly begin to awaken with a damn painful crick right on the back of my neck

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Hearing a slight commotion coming from the outside of my bedroom door I faintly begin to awaken with a damn painful crick right on the back of my neck.

While popping my neck to release the kinks out of it I quickly noticed that Diesel was no longer asleep in my bed.

Springing up from my seat, with my anxiety coursing through me, I head straight for my door in a panic.

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