Tee • 4

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I slit my eyes closer together as I watched Ark gradually make his way closer to Stew and Haze

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I slit my eyes closer together as I watched Ark gradually make his way closer to Stew and Haze.

I knew exactly what he was trying to do the instant he folded his arms across his chest and spread his legs further apart. He was standing in a strategic placement stance while trying to listen in on every word they were saying to each other.

I leaned back up against the wall lazily along with Jaylen and the twins just steadily watching Hazes every damn move.

When Stew offered her a damn drink I think that I nearly swallowed my own damn tongue in fright for her.

I knew the rumors flying around school about his unhealthy habit of dropping roofies in unsuspecting women's drinks.

Thankfully, Haze had the good sense to deny his offering drink. I internally clapped my hands at her smart ingenuity. That's my girl I silently praised her.

Then things started to get a bit hectic, as I watched Stew roughly grab ahold of Hazes upper arm when she tried to leave, I instantly saw fucking red.

Coming off of the wall I begin to make my way over to them then stop midway when I see that Ark obviously has everything under control.

He rips Stews hand away from her and I could have sworn that I heard Stews bones snap in two as Ark pried his hand away from her arm.

Stew, the coward that he is, said a few distasteful things toward Ark then took off swiftly running out of the damn room away from Ark scared as a little ass pussy.

I gush out a light chuckle as I watch Stews retreating form dash out of the room.

When my eyes was ripped away from that shameful prick Stew, I caught my brother in arms actually growing a pair of balls on him as he bravely reaches out his fingertips to finally touch her.

I held my breath in anticipation as his fingertips grazed her bare shoulder lightly.

My eyes flew to Arks face immediately. I needed to know for a damn fact that if she is in all actuality his mate or not.

I couldn't help but to place a giant ass smile on my face when I see Arks immediate reaction to their touch.

Fuck yes! Haze is definitely his mate!

With that being said, if she is definitely his mate then the possibility of her being my mate also just went up like a thousand fucking percent.

I couldn't be happier than I am at this very moment in time.

But sadly that happiness that was residing in me instantly vanished when I seen the look on Hazes beautiful face as she realized just what Arks touch meant.


She doesn't look too fucking happy as she peers over at him with a grim look now placed on her striking face.

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