Arken • 32

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The temptation to grab ahold of Haze and run right out of this damn classroom with her enclosed tightly into my arms is driving me almost to the brink of insanity

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The temptation to grab ahold of Haze and run right out of this damn classroom with her enclosed tightly into my arms is driving me almost to the brink of insanity.

In another five minutes the school bell will ring throughout the school to dismiss us from our half day for the stupid birthday celebration for Poseidon.

I find it utterly ridiculous that we have to celebrate any of these birthdays in the first damn place. Next month we will have to celebrate Hades then the following month we all have to suffer through this shit again with Athena's birthday.

The list just keeps going on and on but it's this birthday celebration that I'm definitely not looking forward to today in the slightest.

Especially since Haze is bound and determined to face down that asshole Stew during todays eventful celebration.

Four minutes are left on the damn  clock now. Every time a moment passes me by my apprehension over todays upcoming events seems to make me grow even more anxious.

My eyes scan stealthily over to Stew that's sitting across from me who is animatedly talking with Izzy about whatever nonsense that those two can eagerly conjure up between them.

I miss Torq who is usually sitting in the space at his desk between Stew and I. If he was here with me instead of being at his fathers for his cousin Blazes funeral then todays upcoming events with Haze and Stew probably wouldn't make me feel so damn worried over the inevitable outcome.

She's putting a lot on the line just to get this asshole beside me and his horny ass followers off of her damn back.

Just this morning I had to punch a damn guy right into his face for stupidly backing Haze up against the lockers while he tried to grope her as he openly harassed her in front of fucking everybody.

Patter, one of Stews obnoxious friends, went down with just one simple solid punch to his damn face.

Seeing him laying unconscious on the schools hallway floor didn't do anything to loosen up my own anxiety that has been continuously coursing through me all damn morning long.

I know that we have the plan perfectly mapped out but there is always the possibility of something going completely awry with any well thought out plan.

Glancing back up at the schools giant black clock located on the wall I grind my teeth together as I realize that we only have one more mere moment left before the school bell rings.

I watch the clock on the wall intently as the little red second hand on the clock keeps ticking by so effortlessly.

Once it hits its mark the school bell starts ringing loudly throughout the classroom surprisingly jolting me right in my desk.

I scramble up from my desk swiftly as I go out in search for my mate along with the others to hopefully get all of this shit done and over with.

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