Arken • 42

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Multiple POVS

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Multiple POVS

Exhausted beyond believability, we all stagger are way up into the Elite building, with the thoughts of finally seeing our lovely mate, happily spiraling through our heads.

I honestly can't wait to get my hands on her. I really need to show her just how much I really did miss her and exactly how much that I truly do love her. After what we all just been through in the brutal battle, I'm not wasting a single second of our valuable time to declare my unconditional love for Haze.

After being gone away from her for so long, I came to the realization that not only do I love her like no other before but that I truly do want to spend the rest of my life with her from this day forth.

It came as complete shock to me, while we were all ruthlessly fighting in the tormenting battle against the demons and shadow walkers, that the raging war that we were in, was a damn cake walk compared to the battle that waged within my own heart over missing my beautiful mate.

I'm so damn happy that the war didn't last as long as I first thought it would of lasted.

With the surprising help of a particular God, we ended up crushing all of our opponents rather easily.

I was more than shocked to see that Poseidon suddenly appeared in the midst of the battlefield to help us win the impending war.

The guy was absolutely magnificent. He easily slayed almost three quarters of the opposing team in no damn time flat, with just a simple wave of his hand.

I honestly wish that I had half of his powerful abilities so that I would be able to conquer any fucking body that even dared tried to come at us. Like me viscously ignorant Uncle.

As we all push our way into the building finally, I drop my equipment in the hallway anxiously as I take off rushing down the hallway to Torqs apartment. More than eager to finally lay my eyes upon my precious mate after so long.

But when I notice that Torq's apartment door is slightly ajar, I automatically freeze in my tracks with a sound sense of dread settling deep within my churning gut.

With the others coming up from beside me, I hesitated to enter into the apartment until all of them arrived. I am far to worried about what I just may witness on the other side of the door.

"The door was unlocked. When I came up to it. It was left open." I warn the others lowly as I brace myself before I courageously opened Torqs door while the others gathered up quietly behind me.

The only foreboding thought that keeps circling around in my head is one of, what if my Uncle somehow managed to get to her while we were all away?

If he did manage to get to her, somehow, then he better fucking run because I won't stop coming after him until I able to rip every single appendage from his traitorous body.

Cranston High Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang