"Well, well, well. Look who it is." His sickening voice called out, causing a snort to come from me, because last time I checked, we were not in a movie, with the way he was talking.

He threw a nasty glare at me, soon after returning his attention back to Jihyo. "Did you not have enough of a beating last time?"

He grinned, yellow crooked teeth with gaps where they probably fell out last time he decided to mess with her. "Actually, you're the one who's gonna suffer this time."

He quickly pulled a gun out of his leather jacket, to which I immediately stood up, a bit too late because a bullet went flying past me, just missing Jihyo as it hit a glass bottle on the wall behind her, shattering it into tiny pieces, a foreshadowing of his future.

Jihyo seemed unfazed— no, rather more pissed than she was before, it radiating off her as she tried to remain calm, one of her eyebrows beginning to twitch, her hands clenching around the knives, her self-control so high as she had not already threw them yet, especially when he slammed his grimy hands down onto her perfectly polished bar.

"What do you even want?" She scoffed, turning her attention to the shiny blade in her hands, slightly taunting the male in front of him.

"I want payback." Then shit went down.

Bear in mind, it was only the two of us, against at least ten of them, and all the citizens had thankfully rushed out before they became involved in this mess.

The first fist came swinging out narrowly grazing my nose as I had just about leaned backwards. The wounds from that fatal experience were still healing, so any sudden movements of my body cause discomfort. I didn't even have a chance to look at the perpetrator, when another one came.

Fortunately, due to my oh-so-amazing reflexes, I was able to catch it before it came into contact with my head. This time I was able to see who it was, my eyes meeting shaky ones, whilst they tried to jam their fist into my face. I swung it away, allowing my other hand to jab into their stomach. Groaning over in pain, it gave an opportunity for me to grab the alcohol bottle that I was drinking out of to smash onto their head.

With no time to see to the injuries inflicted upon them, I turned around, just as someone else with a knife in hand came charging.

Stepping to the side, they crashed into the bar behind me. Not giving them time to get back onto their feet, I grabbed a handful of hair, pulling the biker's head up and slamming it back down onto the counter, effectively knocking them out.

That was two down, and so many more to go.

With a quick glance over at Jihyo, it was clear she was doing great as well, her hands skilled with the knives as she effortlessly twirled them around her fingers, each move slicing into the flesh of the bikers.

Before I could admire her any longer, my attention was brought to an alcohol bottle, my eyes following it in slow motion as it was raised high in the air, then brought down in attempts to smash it on my head.

Quickly catching it before it could do so, I crouched slightly, due to the sudden movement but then as I went upright again I pushed my leg out, knocking the person off balance as they came tumbling down, their head bouncing off a nearby table.

Everything was happening so fast, it was incomprehensible. I was doing so well, knocking the air out of the bikers' lungs, until my own air was knocked out.

I didn't even realise what had happened, until I gripping onto a chair to stand up, my vision becoming hazed and deafening sound in my ears.

I blinked. Once. Twice.

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