5th Arc Part 11: Glory to Fools and Liars

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"Are you ready Kokichi?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm-AAAAH!"

"There. All done."

"OW! Rinny! What the hell!? You said you'd pull at the count of three!"

"Oh, what do you know? I guess I lied, Kokichi."

"O-Oh...Hahaha...I-I see what you did there. I'd hit you for that, but the pain is sorta stopping me right now."

"Sure..." Rin rolled his eyes as he twirled the throwing knife he had pulled out of Kokichi's back. "Now I'm going to plant the evidence in the bathroom. You drag Kirumi out of the hangar. After that, we can start setting up the press trick."

"You got it, Rinny!" Kokichi's pained expression vanished as he showed Rin a bright, cheerful smile. Rin shook his head in an exasperated manner as he walked over to the bathroom, leaving Kokichi by himself in the hangar. Well, alone except for the unconscious body of Kirumi.

"Okie dokie, Kirumi. Time to get you outta here." Kokichi smirked as he grabbed Kirumi's arms and began dragging her out of the opened shudder.

Kokichi couldn't stop the smile that had formed on his face. The plan he and Rin had made was absolutely crazy. It was the most insane thing he had ever come up with, and he absolutely loved it for that. A murder where the victim is unknown. A murder where it's impossible to determine the cause of death, preventing an accurate deduction leading to the culprit.

And, of course, all of that covering up the fact that with the Electro Radar, the real Mastermind and Monokuma don't know what's happening right now, meaning that they don't know that Rin didn't drink the poison's antidote and instead gave it to Kokichi. That means they'll most likely expect Kokichi to be the victim in this case. That means that if they used this situation to their advantage and swapped places, it would be the perfect trick to beat the mastermind and Monokuma at their own game.

However, that plan has flaws that were apparent if you looked at it closely enough. For one, it assumes Monokuma won't just cheat once the class trial begins. Within the walls of the academy, and especially within a class trial, Monokuma's words are the law, and he can make up whatever he wants whenever he wants. Nothing would stop him from just adding or removing rules to help him get around the plan to trick him, and nothing would stop him from just killing everyone if they managed to ruin the game anyway.

Secondly, if the two of them were going to go through with this plan, that meant that if the plan was figured out, whoever survived would be executed as the killer, no matter what. Sure, the plan needed both of them alive and the surviving person would have to be the one to kill the other, but because they would be the only living witness to that, even if the surviving person waited for the poison to kill the victim to make Kirumi the blackened, nothing would be able to prove that for them.

Without Monokuma as a witness, all the surviving person would have is their own word that they weren't the killer since the poison was the thing that actually killed the victim, which Monokuma would most likely call bullshit on since how convenient would that be? Of course, the video camera from the warehouse they were going to grab could be used to record the victim's true death via poison, but the moment the camera gets brought in as evidence, Monokuma will have access to the footage, proving the whole trick pointless since then he'd know who the real culprit was.

That perfect leads to the third problem with the plan: it wasn't impossible to solve. If someone was clever enough and didn't immediately buy what the footage of the crushed victim showed, someone could discover that the video was paused in order to switch the victim out. Considering that the remaining students had Shuichi, the Ultimate Detective, on their side, that was practically a guarantee to happen. And if Shuichi figured out the trick, that meant Monokuma would the moment the detective unwittingly showed the bear the truth.

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