1st Arc Part 17: Broken Promises

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"Tsumugi?" Kaede asked the cosplayer.

"Seriously...why are you even here!? It's such a pain in the ass!" Tsumugi raised her voice angrily as she pulled at her hair. "Everything would have gone according to plan if you didn't interfere!"

"Is this... your true self?" Maki asked.

"Oh...well you all figured it out anyway, so I might as well confess." Tsumugi proudly posed and gave us a crazed grin. "Yes! I am the mastermind! You got it all right!"

My tightened fist shook as she said those words.

"So I was right. You're the reason why Kirumi is dead. You're the one who brought us here to kill each other!" I yelled.

"Oh not you. You weren't supposed to be a part of this." Tsumugi said with a sigh. "I don't even know how you got here. If I had known you were going to arrive, I would have made plans. I'm a big fan after all."

"Fan?" Keebo asked.

"Oh yes! Rin is pretty famous! I'd never thought I would meet him in person!" Tsumugi claimed while smiling like a lunatic.

"If Rin is famous, how come we don't remember him?" Shuichi asked.

"Those memories weren't important, so they were among the memories that were taken away," Tsumugi answered as drool began to pour out of her mouth. "Still, to meet someone as incredible as Rin. An Ultimate like him... It just...makes me so happy! He's an Ultimate among Ultimates! I'm so glad I got to make him despair in front of me!"

"Wh-What the hell is wrong with you!?" Miu asked.

"Unfortunately, no matter how much I admire Rin, I can't help but be furious with his interference. The story was going so well up to this point." Tsumugi continued as she placed a hand on her cheek.

"Story?" Rantaro asked.

"Yes! You were supposed to die!" Tsumugi said with no hesitation or shame as she pointed at the green-haired adventure with fury. "Kaede was supposed to kill you and start the killing game! Her execution would have been so tragic, so despair-inducing. It would have been the perfect way to start the killing game. And then, right at the end, when I revealed that I was the one who killed Rantaro and Kaede had been wrongfully executed... Can you imagine the despair that would have birthed!? It would have been glorious! But Rin...and that damn maid!" Tsumugi bit her thumb angrily. "She didn't leave me a choice, even though she wasn't supposed to die this early on in the game."

"This...early...?" I asked before exploding in rage. "This isn't a game! You killed someone! How can you be so casual about it!?"

"You would know," Tsumugi replied blankly as she stared at me with a knowing glare. "Too bad you lost your memories. You might have been able to save Kirumi if you still had those memories."

"Shut up!" I gritted my teeth. "This is your fault. It's all your fault!"

"Is it? I'm just doing my job." Tsumugi said with a smile.

"Job?" Ryoma questioned.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Now that I have been found out this early on in the game, I suppose the game is canceled. How disappointing." Tsumugi sighed.

"I-It's over?" Kaede asked.

"Not much point now. Everything is ruined. I bet everyone is upset with this outcome." Tsumugi let out a disappointed sigh.

"Everyone? Who's everyone?" Kaito asked.

"Puhuhu..." Monokuma interrupted us as he giggled. He then burst into a hysteric fit of maniacal laughter "Bwa-hahahahahahahaha!" Everyone, even Tsumugi, looked at the bear with confusion and slight fear as to why he was laughing. "Excellent! You've figured out who the mastermind is! Before you keep talking, it's voting time!"

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