5th Arc Part 10: Kokichi Oma

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Lies are a remarkable thing. That was the one truth that Kokichi Oma would accept.

Lies were his passion. His essence. His being. All he needed were lies.

But why? Why would a person surround themselves with nothing but lies?

Because lies are freedom. A freedom that no truth could offer. The truth is restricting. There's only one truth, and it stifles everything else in being that single truth. But lies are endless. They're boundless and cannot be restrained. Anything can come from a lie, and a lie can be anything.

Lies can hurt others, but they can also heal. Lies are meant to deceive people, but they can trick people for right and wrong reasons. Fiction is a lie, but the greatest creations tend to be fictional. Lies can be whatever you make of them.

So if the truth is cruel, single-minded, and narrow, then lies must be the opposite. Lies must be kind, boundless, and open to anything.

That's why Kokichi loved lies. He loved enshrouding himself in them and using them to create worlds and stories and scenarios in life that would not be possible without his precious lies. The world suddenly would become something new and exciting with his lies. Why accept the only truth when you can create a multitude of lies that can be anything? He could be anything with lies.

And so he became a dictator. An oppressive, cruel, twisted, playful, mischievous Supreme Leader of Evil, the leader of an endless group following his lead. He was a kid, after all, so he wanted to act his age. So while heroes were fun and all, Kokichi thought the villains in a story were more interesting. If he wanted an exciting life full of thrills and turns, he'd have to play the part of the villain, right?

So he did, and it was the most fun he had, even if he was only playing pretend. Even if he wasn't truly evil, it was fun to play the part.

It was all a lie, of course. That was the beauty of lies and fiction, but who really cared? It really only mattered to Kokichi how he felt on the matter, so since it was fun, he kept going. Gaining followers was never his intention, but if a few saw him and wanted to truly follow him as a loyal minion, he wasn't going to stop them. Especially not if they wanted to live life like he was. If they were willing to drench themselves in the open, free, creative world of lies, Kokichi would welcome them happily into his kingdom.

So, without warning, one became a large group, with Kokichi at the head. His ten loyal friends and followers were his only friends and family, not because he had none before them, but because they were the only people who accepted and wanted to be a part of the world Kokichi envisioned and saw.

He was their Supreme Leader of Evil, even if it was a lie.

Kokichi Oma loved those lies, but he also hated them. He hated when people abused his precious lies. Lies were meant to be free and open, able to create and be anything. How dare someone try to wrangle his lies to be like the narrow truth. How dare someone use lies to commit atrocities like murder. Why would they ruin it for everybody? But that was the thing about lies. They could be anything and do anything, whether good or evil, and Kokichi knew this.

He supposed that was the reason others despised how he and his gang of misfits lived. People saw them living in this world of lies and assumed they were using lies for those same nefarious purposes. To hurt others for some goal, when in reality they just wanted to have fun in this free world born of lies. Though...they were committing crimes, but only small ones revolving around elaborate pranks! That's not real crime!

So no matter what people told them, they weren't going to stop. How could they? Those lies were everything to them. It was their whole world. If they went back to the world of the truth, life wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

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