2nd Arc Part 10: Purpose for Living

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"Wow, they're screaming out their lungs in there!" Kokichi exclaimed once we had left the lab. "Oh well. At least it isn't us."

"I guess. Doesn't make me feel any better, though." I sighed.

"We should get moving. We said we'd be back by nighttime, right?" Ryoma said.

"Yep, that's the plan. It shouldn't take too long for us to gather all of the Kubs Pads. Let's go!"

Kokichi then led the way like a kid leading others into the forest for an adventure. Ryoma and I shared a glance and a shrug before we followed suit. Eventually, we made it to the dormitories, which felt really empty since almost everyone was in Gonta's lab right now. That actually makes me think of the remaining few who aren't there. Rantaro, Maki, and Miu. I wonder where they are right now. Hopefully, they aren't in their rooms.

"Alright. What now, Kokichi?"

"Well, we go into each room one at a time and search for the motive videos, simple as that," Kokichi said. "The real question is who should we start with? Hmm... Eenie meenie miney that one!" Kokichi said while pointing in a random direction. "It looks like Kaeyayday is up first! Let's go in order from there."

"Alright." I nodded as we walked toward Kaede's room.

Kokichi took out his tools and quickly got to work, easily getting the door unlocked within seconds.

"Time to look for the video... Where would it be?" Ryoma muttered as we started looking.

I mentally apologized to Kaede as I began searching her room with the others. Eventually, I found it in Kaede's desk drawer after a few minutes of searching.

"Found it."

"Good. Let's move on to the next one." Ryoma said as he began walking out.

"Hold on. Let's at least see which video Kaeyayday got." Kokichi told us.

"Hmm? Why?" Ryoma asked.

"I actually share Kokichi's opinion. We should know who got who's videos so we know if we should worry about someone already knowing what's on their own video." I said. "But let's just look at the beginning. We're going to watch them all later anyway, so we can wait for that stuff."

"Fine..." Kokichi sighed.

"I better not have to wait to see my video..." Ryoma grumbled.

"Don't worry, Ryoma! I promised you that you would be able to watch your video if you help me, so we'll watch it together before we go back to the screening party. You'll be one of the first to see their own video." Kokichi told him. "We'll also watch my own video too, since I'm way too curious as to what's on it."

"Hmph, fair enough," Ryoma said.

"Well, I don't have a problem with that, as long as no one is watching them alone," I said. "Anyway, let's get back to it. I'm turning on the video." I told them as I tapped the screen.

"Alright! Back by popular demand, it's time for the motive video!" The video exclaimed, much like Maki's, but this video instead showed the title 'K1-B0's Motive Video'.

"So Kaede got Keebo's video." I said as I turned off the pad.

"Hmm..." Kokichi hummed as he went to Kaede's desk and got a sheet of paper out. "I'm going to write this down, just so we don't forget. Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yeah. Perfect, actually." I nodded. "Let's move on to the next one."

And thus we continued like this, entering the rooms of our friends and classmates and taking their videos. It was going pretty smoothly so far. We had gone through most of the girl's rooms so far, and Kokichi had written down who had gotten who's videos. So far so good. No one has their own video so far.

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