Prologue Arc Part 7: Nightmarish Truths and a Hellish Reality

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Everyone was silent for a bit before chaos erupted.

"K-Killing game? Us?" Kaede asked.

"Please stop joking! Why would we agree to participate in a killing game!?" Keebo asked.

"Huh? You guys don't wanna do it?" Monokuma asked while tilting his head.

"C-Course not! Gentlemen not hurt people!" Gonta claimed.

"But if you've looked around the academy, then you already know, don't you?" Monokuma asked with a chuckle. "The academy is surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape to the outside world, and as long as we have the Exisals, you can't defy us. In other words... I hold the power of life and death over each and every one of you."

"So do what you say if we don't want to die." Rantaro elaborated.

"Y-You gotta be kidding me! Why would friends kill each other!?" Tenko shouted.

"Friends? Who said you guys were 'friends'?" Monokuma tilted his head in confusion. "You guys aren't friends at all. You're enemies out to kill each other."

"E-Enemies...?" Shuichi asked.

What Monokuma said might be harsh, but he's not wrong. We can worry about those stupid bears and the Exisals, sure, but the most dangerous thing here is ourselves. Any one of us is capable of doing the deed to any of us. I look around with a stern glare. Most of my 'classmates' are doing the same, glancing at who might be possible killers, and who might target them. Distrust and panic have already settled in our little group.

"Hmmm, I still have a lot to learn from Father about sarcasm," Monotaro claimed.

"All this talkin' is bugging the shit outta me! I gotta go beat up Monodam to relieve stress!" Monokid said as he broke his guitar over his head. Monodam seemed unaffected by the threat like he was already used to it.

"But... I don't like that. I'm not good with violence or gore or sad situations." Monophanie cried out in dismay. "Um, Daddy... instead of a killing game, could we do a rock-paper-scissors tournament?"

"Who'd wanna play a game where no one dies!?" Monosuke spat out. Literally any sane person, that's who.

"Well, you do have a compassionate personality. It's so cute I can barely stand it." Monokuma said. "Why, it's cute enough to eat! Cute enough that I wanna eat it!"


"Hey, Monophanie, you might want to dial the cute schtick back a bit." Monotaro said, causing Monophanie to go silent.

"Excuse me. I have a question about this killing game you keep going on about." I began to say.

"Hmm? What is it?" Monokuma looked at me as he tilted his head.

"You said you want the 'students with Ultimate-level talents' to participate in your killing game. But what about me?"

"Huh? What about you?"

"Well, I'm not an Ultimate, at least I don't remember ever being one. I don't have any memories about myself, and from what I've gathered, I don't think I'm supposed to be here. So, am I a killing game participant, or was I just brought here by accident? If so, could I please leave? I'd rather not be a part of this if I'm able to." I said, ignoring the faces of betrayal that some of the others are giving me.

To be honest, I'm only asking to see if I can get more details about myself, but if I'm free to go, then hey, I'm free to go. I might not like the idea of leaving everyone behind here, but I'd rather try to help them from the outside than in here where I could die. Monokuma stares at me blankly for a few moments, giving me a look that just says 'What'. He then slowly turns towards his cubs, his face turning a dark shade of red.

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