Prologue Arc Part 5: Kindness and Motivation

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As I stared at the immense wall that encased us, I almost didn't notice the person walking up to me. He was another person I remember from before in the gym.

He had dark magenta hair and light purple eyes, along with a goatee. He now had a purple coat over a white button-up shirt or coat that wasn't buttoned at all. Under that was another white shirt that had red markings that looked like a face. The underside of the purple coat had a space design, which I couldn't help but appreciate, even if this guy only had his left hand in the sleeve, while his right shoulder was merely covered slightly by the jacket. He also wore starry slippers and purple pants.

Kaito Momota.

"Geez... How'd they even make this big-ass wall?" The boy asked while gaping at the cage.

"Seriously. I can't wrap my head around it. How did no one notice something like this when it was built?"

"Well, no use complaining and grumbling about it, or else it'll just turn into a habit. Besides, this cage is nothing compared to the vastness of the universe!"

"The universe? And with that outfit, you must be–"

"Haha! Yep! That's right!" He said while giving me a smile and a thumbs up. "I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! Even crying children adore the Ultimate Astronaut!"

"Ultimate Astronaut! That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to go to space! Have you gone up there yet?"

"Haha, I wish. I may be the Ultimate Astronaut, but I'm still in training."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense. It takes a lot to be an astronaut, after all. Speaking of which, don't you need a college degree to even get that astronaut training?"

"About that, I had a friend who was pretty crafty... so I had him forge some stuff for me to take the exam."

"That's... very illegal..." I say matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I ended up getting caught. I was in pretty deep shit!" Kaito said while chuckling, causing me to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "But the people up top decided they liked me and let me in any way. 'Course, I aced the exam too."

"Well, that's fortunate. If you weren't talented, you probably would have faced severe consequences. You'd probably be a criminal."

"Sometimes you gotta be a little reckless to make your dreams a reality! No way I can wait till after college! I wanna get to space as fast as I can!"

"As someone who might be in college, I think I can totally relate to that feeling. I wish I had that boundless energy you seem to have."

"Yeah, everyone told me it was impossible, but I never gave up! Not for a moment! That's because... limits don't exist unless you set them yourself! There are no walls you can't get over! The same goes for that one!"

"So... you have an idea to get over it?" Kaito made a face as he thought for a few seconds.

"Th-That's not the problem!"

"I think that is the problem. On the bright side, you definitely take the cake for 'best motivator'." I say with a chuckle. "So Kaito, can I ask if you've heard of me? I woke up with no memories so I've been asking around to see if anyone knows me. I remembered the name Rin Wakuri, but I'm not sure if it's mine."

"Rin Wakuri? Sorry, but I can't say I have heard of you."

"Hmm... that's what everyone has said so far. It's strange. For as much as those Monokubs say that I'm an Ultimate, much to my disbelief, my presence is strangely absent compared to you guys. You all seem like famous idols or celebrities or something."

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