2nd Arc Part 5: Melancholic Medley and Free Time

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After discussing what we could about the flashback light and the Ultimate Hunt, we each went our own ways for the rest of the day. The day was already halfway done since we spent all of the morning and afternoon exploring the new areas. The rest of the 2nd floor and 2 more were now open, along with the casino and Himiko's lab. Lots of new stuff.

It would be nice if it weren't for the killing game and the two deaths that had already happened.

I sighed as I walked down the halls of the 3rd floor. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself at the moment. I hadn't felt like doing anything. I sort of wanted to just think. I knew that wouldn't do me any good, since I did that last night and I got nothing from it. I should probably head to my dorm and attempt to recover from the sleepless night. As I turned a corner, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry. My bad–" I then realized that I had bumped into Kaede. She looked at me and immediately averted her gaze.

"I-It's fine. It's my fault." She said before attempting to leave quickly.

"Hey, wait!" I reached out and grabbed her wrist, not too tightly, but enough so she couldn't slip out of my grip. "Kaede, please. Talk to me. You're my friend, I forgave you, so please stay and talk to me."

Kaede turned back to me, guilt painted in her eyes. She bit her lips before turning her head to the side and slowly nodding. I smiled at that and we sat down on one of the benches that was here on the 3rd floor. We sat in silence for a bit before she spoke up.

"Do you... really not hate me?" She asked softly.

"What? Of course not!" I exclaimed. "I told you multiple times that I forgave you, didn't I? Do you not believe me?"

Kaede still couldn't look me in the eye as I saw her shoulders stiffen and her back begin to slouch.

"I just...I just can't believe you can forgive me so easily. I don't get it... you should hate me. Everyone should hate me for even attempting it. But you guys don't." She cried out. "You all are...so weird."

"Kaede..." I put my hand on her shoulder. She was shaking a bit, but she seemed to relax when she felt my hand. "You made a mistake, but everyone makes a mistake. I'll be honest, if you did end up killing someone, I'm not sure if I could have forgiven you."

I then turned and looked her in the eyes.

"But you didn't. I don't even want to think about what could have happened. And you're not the only one to have made a mistake back there. My mistake cost Kirumi her life. No matter how much we wish we could just change what we did, we can't. We have to bear with it. That's the only way we can make up for our mistakes. So, please. Believe me when I say that I forgive you. And please, forgive yourself. I want to see the confident and cheerful Kaede that helped me for the past few days."

Kaede looked at me in shock before she began to wipe away at her now glossy eyes.

"Y-You should really take your own advice," Kaede said through her tears. "You haven't forgiven yourself either, have you? The way you spoke gave it away." My eyes widened a bit before my expression softened.

"You're right. I haven't. Guess I shouldn't be giving you lectures about that then."

It was then that I felt Kaede grab the sleeve of my jacket.

"I...I'm pathetic. You must be feeling so much worse than I am, but I'm acting like I'm worse off. You helped us all and set a trap for Tsumugi. Kirumi wouldn't blame you for what happened, I'm sure." Kaede said with a shaky voice.

Before I could say anything, she wrapped her and hugged me tightly as she began to cry into my shoulders.

"So please, for your sake, forgive yourself. I...I don't know if I can forgive myself, but if you try, then maybe I can try to. Please, forgive yourself, and I'm sorry." Kaede sobbed.

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