3rd Arc Part 26: Tenko Chabashira

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It was over. The execution was finally over, and no one dared to say anything. The only one who even could talk right away was the damn bear who started all of this.

"Wh-What!? To think...my cute child...would kill his two last siblings..." Monokuma muttered as sweat poured out of his body, but it soon didn't last long as he gave his rebellious child a big smile. "Ahhhh... It's so cute! It's so freakin' cute that you killed your remaining siblings both out of hatred that they left you and out of a feeling of wanting to help the surviving students. It's so cute I could destroy you right now! Puhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!"

"..." Monodam didn't say anything in response. He just stared at Monokuma with his usual blank look, showing no emotions at all.

However, it was clear that one thing was being shown through this gesture. Hatred. Pure hatred towards his father. But there was also remorse, and sorrow directed towards those who had survived the trial. That was the best description of Monodam's actions at that moment as he left the trial grounds without a word. No one said anything as he left. They just kept staring at the monitors with varying degrees of reactions that all could be described as tragic sadness.

"Well, looks like another class trial has wrapped up without incident, so... I guess I'll take my leave now. At least you all used the Necronomicon before this. With Miss Tojo back with you, your numbers aren't as bad. It's like only two of you have died since last time, so take pride in that! Take pride in knowing that each of you is easily replaceable, just like the ones who have died this time around! Bwahahahaha!"

And with that mocking remark, Monokuma left the remaining students alone to finally grieve in peace.

Three people. Three innocent, good people were taken from them. Manipulated to kill...and tragically murdered in unfair ways. J

ust...what was this? Could anyone truly explain why this was happening? No one dared to anymore, and no one dared to try to use logic to explain it. Certainly not Tenko, who was on the verge of completely shutting down.

"...Why does this have to happen to us?" Kaede eventually voiced the question everyone had on their mind, tears no longer being kept in check as she softly sobbed. "Why...do we have to go through this, over and over and over?"

"...I wish I knew," Rin muttered in a broken tone, never raising his downtrodden face as he kept his eyes on the ground.

"...I suppose there is only one thing to take away from this." Keebo sighed with a sad face. "In this place, no God, whether real or not, can help anyone, no matter how devoted one is."

"That...really is the case, isn't it?" Rantaro grimaced.

"Of course not. No God could ever reside inside a place like this." Maki spat out in a venomous tone, hatred towards what they just witnessed clearly visible to anyone.

"Yeah...you right." Gonta gave a slow and sad nod.

"But...I truly hope that there is at least an afterlife, like what Angie kept saying. If there is...then there is at least peace in death... Having hope in that at least...might be enough to dull the pain for now." Rin quietly whispered as he held his arm tightly.

"Rin..." Kirumi said softly as she looked to the ground as well. "So...this is the class trial. This is what you all have experienced after I passed the first time. It is...hell. That is the only way to describe it."

"Yeah... Hell. If there is a heaven, this place is certainly what Hell is." Kaito grumbled angrily.

"Well...that's why we have to work together, right? To face it together." Shuichi then said. "Our Ultimate talents, and own skills and experiences, and who we are as people...those are the only weapons we have."

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