chapter thirty seven

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WILLIAM HAD TOLD AZ TO GET SOME REST. ONCE SHE SAW THE SCION OF GAWAIN SHE WENT ON HER FULL BLOWN RANT. He had listened of course and told her to calm down as Bree was asleep. Nick eventually had to leave because he had to go to the airport with his dad. Reluctantly he did. And AZ eventually had spent the whole night in the infirmary room watching over Bree. She was exhausted and William had noticed, so he told her he would take care of the rest. Already having healed her enough. So she had found herself getting ready to sleep in one of the Lodges guest rooms.

She hadn't expected to run into an energetic Sar on her way. "Oh hey AZ!" She bounces on her heels and skirt. "How's Bree doing?" AZ was terribly exhausted. But she was able to muster a small grin.

"She's sleeping but much better than before-" AZ back tracks a bit when Sar leans forward, scrutinizing her.

"The eyebags? Oh AZ I hope you've sleeping well! You need to take care of yourself too! Don't forget to take care of yourself, okay?! I know it's been a crazy night but still!" AZs head whirls in confusion. The squire has been talking faster than usual. "Also do you need a ride back to your dorm?"

𝙍𝙀𝘽𝙊𝙍𝙉, the legendborn cycle (1)Where stories live. Discover now