Chapter 25

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I flew above, finally spotting the old base, but I kept flying past it, everything was looking the same as usual. The metal was being colonized by colonies of green cybermoss, and the planet was overall, looking alive. I continued flying into Iacon, the familiar towering buildings, I twisted and turned, sharply, and overall being reckless, before flying high above the buildings. After a while of flying, I finally spotted the autobots, packing things into a building, I neared the ground, transforming to cyberwolf form, before transforming back to bi-pede. I walked forward. Ultra Magnus transformed behind me.

They noticed our arrival, scrambling to tell the others, oddly enough, a few somehow managed to run into each other, one slipped on a puddle of processed energon that leaked from one of the crates, and landed on his helm. I stared, as laughter threatened to spill. I stood waiting, before laughing, as I spotted Ratchet and Sunbeam running out of the building, Ratchet slid on the puddle of processed energon, skidding forward, and ultimately Sunbeam followed right after him, slipping, before running into each other. They pulled themselves together, continuing to me and Ultra Magnus. Ratchet ran towards me, before grabbing and hugging me. "S-sire-" I squawked, as he hugged me tight.

"Y/D! I am never letting you out of my sight for even a moment!" he barked, as he let me go. I smiled, before I got hugged by Sunbeam. "S-sunbeam! You're squishing me!" I squawked, as she hugged me even tighter. I pulled myself out of her grip. "I'm so glad you're alright!" She said with a bright smile. I smiled back, but it faltered, as I sighed.

"I know." I said softly, hugging myself. I looked at the ground, as I felt sad again. I was gonna say something, as I felt Ratchet's concern, until I felt a familiar sensation. I looked up, reaching out in the spark bond, and after all this time, I felt him. I felt him.

"Y/D?" I heard Ratchet ask concerned. I hardly heard him, as I watched the building, noticing a bot walking out. Familiar white, red, and blue armor shone in the light. I ran forward, shooting forward, as I transformed into cyberwolf form to move even faster, I made sure to avoid the now being cleaned up puddle of processed energon. I ignored the strain of running, as I continued towards him. I transformed to bi-pede, lunging at him.

"Smokescreen!" I cried, as I leapt into him, hugging him tightly. "Y/D!" He squawked in shock, hugging me tightly. I cried in his chassis, sobbing, and wailing as I finally realized he was alive. He was Alive. "H-hey! You're hugging me too tight." He winced, as I let him go, noticing the ugly weld marks across his chassis, I let out a growl of anger, my wings perking up defensively, before drooping in sadness.

"H-how...?" I asked quietly, as I rubbed the tears from my faceplates, I suddenly felt relieved, happy. "The Matrix shielded him from most of the damage. He was still offlined though. We just barely managed to save him." Ratchet said behind me, as I turned and looked at him. Suddenly, he realized there was a noticeable bump on my abdomen.

"Are... you...?" He asked slowly. "Yes." I whispered, turning to Smokescreen. Who also noticed the change. I placed a servo on my abdomen, smiling softly. He took the hint, suddenly excited. He hugged me again, gently, this time.

"You're sparked?!" Ratchet exclaimed, almost falling over, but Sunbeam held him up. I laughed. "I never thought you'd be the kind of mech who'd simply fall over!" I laughed, leaning on Smokescreen, who was smiling happily.

"How long?!" Ratchet asked. "Two months." I stated, frowning. "That is much too soon for this, you look like you're in Stage 2!" He said loudly, quickly shooing me inside, to his new medbay. Smokescreen followed after me. I yelped as Ratchet continued herding me down the hallway. "R-ratchet! I can walk by myself, thank you!" I said quickly, dashing to Smokescreen's side, ignoring the exhaustion that dragged at my pedes.

Usually what came with exhaustion was nausea, and I was surprised that it didn't hit yet. I stepped forward, suddenly feeling the nausea, and the exhaustion all in one wave. I groaned, ignoring it, but I held on to the wall. "Y/D?" Smokescreen asked, concerned. Ratchet turned to look at me. "Look at you, you used all your energy getting here. Smokescreen, I permit you to carry her." Ratchet said agitatedly. "I'm fine!" I said quickly, standing up without the wall.

Only to be swept with more nausea. "S-somebody- give me a b-bucket-!" I stuttered, as Ratchet snatched a bucket from his subspace. I grabbed it, and let loose.

There goes the much needed energon I consumed earlier. I groaned, as Smokescreen rubbed my back comfortingly. I held the bucket, as Smokescreen picked me up bridal style.
"Primus, Y/D! After reading those datapads about sparklings, I'd expect you to at least, take care of yourself!" Ratchet growled. "But-" I started, but he cut me off. "When you're carrying, you have to give all your attention to yourself, no matter what." He barked.

"Well, on the plus side, I learned how to fight without being too reckless." I grumbled. "You what?!" He yelled. "What?" I glared back, noticing Smokescreen growing more concerned. "Why-" Ratchet started, but I cut him off. "Okay, the decepticons decided for their crazed leader to use me as entertainment, rather than kill me right then and there. That entertainment, just so happened to be gladiator fights." I growled.

"Anything else you need to tell us?" Ratchet asked. "Oh, I did, for once kick Megatron's aft for once." I giggled. "How in the pits..." Ratchet muttered. "What? I was pissed. At the time, I thought he murdered my sparkmate. That, and the personal grudge, being the memory lock, and ordering Shockwave to murdering my human family." I ranted angrily. "But, news slash for him, I tore off several sections of his armor." I smirked proudly, before succumbing to more nausea.

There went the rest of the contents of my tank. Eeh. I groaned. "Y/D! How many times do I have to tell you to be more careful!" Ratchet yelled, placing a servo on his faceplate. Smokescreen was laughing as he did his best not to drop me.

"Did you not know that my armor was specifically engineered to have high resistance to blaster fire?" I deadpanned. Ratchet stuttered, before groaning in defeat. "Also, it's not my fault Horizon Trotter got pissy as well." I grumbled. Smokescreen looked at me curiously. "Apparently, my instinctual mode named itself Horizon Trotter." I explained.

I relaxed, as I snuggled into Smokescreen's chassis, as he carried me down the hallways, to Ratchet's new med bay. A few minutes later, we arrived, just as I was halfway into recharge. I heard the door open, as I snuggled into Smokescreen some more, my optics closed. I felt myself get moved, and placed onto a medical berth. I flashed open my optics, as I remembered waking up on one, only to be patched, then put through strain to make sure I would still make a good piece of entertainment.

I squawked, leaping up, as I relaxed, when I saw Ratchet and Sunbeam's concerned faceplates, I was holding Smokescreen's servos tightly. I relaxed, hesitantly laying down correctly. "What did they do to you?" Ratchet muttered, I noticed his glare not to anything in particular, before getting to work, he walked out of the room looking for something.

"What was that about?" Smokescreen asked through the bond. I smiled softly, as I enjoyed the familiar presence of him. I sighed, looking up at his concerned faceplates. "The decepticons, always patched me up after a fight, only to put me through a strain test, they had to make sure I was still a good piece of entertainment." I replied. Smokescreen growled.

He pulled away from me, as he growled ferally in anger. "Woah woah woah, calm down!" Sunbeam yelped. I watched Smokescreen in concern. He was stomping around, pacing, as his anger controlled him.

"Don't bother him. It won't end well for you, Sunbeam. Sires often become extremely angry if their sparklings were in danger, they become unpredictable, and aggressive." Ratchet said simply. I looked at Smokescreen in shock. I grumbled, sitting up, before Ratchet gently pushed me back down.

"You can calm him down afterwards." He said simply. "I do not have the equipment to see how many sparklings you're carrying, but I know for sure that you are carrying at least two." Ratchet said, grabbing something from a shelf. I did not know whether to be shocked, happy, or what.

All I could mutter was: "Greatt..."
Ratchet looked at me, understanding my sarcasm. "One would have been enough." I said with a frown. "You know, you and Smokescreen are lucky to be fertile enough for more than one. Considering only 35% of Cybertron's population back before the war was having sparklings." Ratchet said, which made me frown even more. "I would love to have more than one, I don't want to birth them all at the same time though." I said matter-of-factly.

"Well too bad, it appears you'll have to." Ratchet said grumpily. "By the rate you're progressing, I'd say you'd have Stage 4 by the 5-6 month mark, and Stage 5 by the 7-8 month mark." He said simply. "By what the scanner says, your sparklings are stressed. That, and you're low on energon." Ratchet growled.

I sighed. I was still holding the bucket. "Why did you even have a bucket in your subspace?" I asked, genuinely curious on why. "At some point, I learned it was best to carry around a bucket, incase patients are sick." He grumbled sourly.

Ratchet then pulled out a needle. Full of energon. But seeing that, just made my fear of needles start up again. "I dunno, can't you, I don't know, let me drink a cube?" I asked, moving away. "No. Your tank will take too long to allow it into the rest of your frame. Thus, it's quicker to inject it." Ratchet said grumpily.

"Uh- No thanks. I'm good." I moved away. Smokescreen was still angrily pacing. And I doubt Sunbeam and Ratchet would hold me down to administer the energon because of what Smokescreen could do, in his overprotective state.

Ratchet sighed, and didn't wait. He grabbed my servo, and slid the needle between a couple of armor plating. I yelped at the pinch of pain, before I melted into the berth. I whimpered quietly. "It's just an energon injection, relax." Ratchet said grumpily. I glared at him.

"Do you know how many times I've been stabbed with a needle before?" I asked with a growl. "For Primus' sake, everybot gets stabbed with a needle at least once in their lifespan!" Ratchet pointed out, grumpily. "Uh-huh, that, and how many of them have had traumatizing memories of those needles?" I asked. He fell silent. "Figured." I grumbled.

I stood up, after Ratchet finished, I walked over to Smokescreen, who was still pacing angrily. I hugged him, and he relaxed. "Hey, I'm fine, we're fine, alright?" I said quietly, He nodded, and hugged me back. I pulled away from him, gently brushing my digits across the welds in his armor. They will for sure leave scars. He did the same, gently brushing his digits across the various new scars on my frame.

Ratchet sighed. "Why did you fight in those gladiator battles?" He asked, I turned to look at him. "Not that I had a choice." I replied. "You did have a choice." He stated. "Do you remember how much they wanted me? They would have jumped immediately on me, the moment they found out im sparked. They'd take them away, probably get rid of me, and raise them as the perfect Decepticon supersoldiers, unlike I was." I activated my visor. "Now, who are you, and what did you do to Ratchet?" I growled, stepping forward. Sunbeam stood in front of Ratchet. "Y/D, he was just asking-" She said, shielding him. "Asking something, that he knew the answers to." I growled. Smokescreen was attempting to calm me down, but there was something fishy here.

I was going to step forward again, but I suddenly felt light-helmed, dizzy. What... did... the imposter... give to me...? "Y/D?" Smokescreen asked. My thoughts were slow, as I slumped, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

I snapped open my optics, moving quickly, only to feel a fiery pain streak through me. I yelped, curling up. "Y/D!" Smokescreen yelled, quickly grabbing my servos. "W-why..." I choked. "Shh..." He whispered gently.

"Give her the antidote, now." I heard Sunbeam growl. "Why should I? Her sparklings will be fine. Her? Not so much." An unfamiliar voice laughed nervously. "I swear to primus... if you don't give that antidote to my sparkmate..." Smokescreen growled threateningly, letting go of my servos, to stomp towards the imposter. "Alright, alright! Sheesh.." He yelped, handing Smokescreen a cylinder with another thing of liquid. Sunbeam put the liquid in a needle, before injecting it into my arm.

A few minutes later, I felt better, with a mild helmache. "Primus... what's with the heavy drugs they use..." I groaned, as I sat up. I got up, and glared at the imposter, who wasn't Ratchet, but rather a young mech. "Who are you, and what did you do to Ratchet?" I asked, deactivating my visor.

"Mirage." He squawked. "I.. didn't want to cause any trouble..." He said meekly, shrinking. He was genuinely afraid. "Why would the decepticons send out a youngling like you?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chassis. "Because I was useful. I can do illusions. That's all I'm good for. As for the medical knowledge, and over all knowledge, was given to me via datapads. They gave me datapads, and threw me out to do the mission." He gave up all the information, and he was being truthful. "They just gave me a couple liquids, one being an antidote, if I accidentally got the poison instead. Which is surprising, considering the only other thing they gave me was a half-broken blaster to defend myself with." Mirage said quickly.

When I sighed sadly, Sunbeam was instantly on top of the little white and blue youngling, which He practically melted into her care. He acted like he was never cared for, which just made me and Smokescreen angry. "Where is Ratchet?" I asked. "I ambushed him as he came out of this room looking for something, just after you all came in. He's in the vent over here." Mirage said quickly, leading the way. I crouched to the floor, opening the rather large vent. "Funny seeing you here, Sire." I laughed, as he glared up at me from below. "Just help me out of here!" He barked.

Smokescreen pulled him out, as I stifled my laughs. "Now, you lil mechling better be fast..." Ratchet growled, pulling out a wrench to wrench poor little Mirage. "Hey hey, leave poor Mirage alone. It's not his fault he was assigned to do this." I shielded the mechling, who was only tall enough to reach my chassis. "And the fact I heard the entire conversation from down in that vent." Ratchet huffed. "Lil guy locked me inside." He grumbled.

"Do you actually carry around a bucket incase patients are sick?" I asked. "Nope. It just so happened, I had a bucket in my subspace." Ratchet said grumpily, walking back to the med bay. "Sunbeam, go get Y/D a cube of energon." He ordered. Ratchet proceeded to do everything over again, that Mirage did.

"Well, Mirage is right, Your sparklings are stressed." Ratchet said. "Now, when you've refueled, Smokescreen will show you to your new berthroom. And you will stay there until I allow you to go anywhere other than the med bay." Ratchet said firmly. Just as he said that, Sunbeam came back with the energon. She handed it to me, and I drank it slowly.

Mirage stuck to Sunbeam like a burr, watching everything she did with intense concentration. She didn't mind, in fact, She actively showed him how to do things, and allowed him to try. He was pretty interested.

I smiled softly as I watched. I finished my cube of energon, and I stood up, Smokescreen helped me up. I was going to say I was fine, but I realized suddenly how tired I actually was. He picked me up bridal style, and I didn't even protest, as I snuggled into him, as he carried me down the hallways.

I closed my optics, relaxing in his gentle hold. I felt safe. I was safe. My senses dulled, as I fell into alert recharge. I soon felt a berth under me, before Smokescreen laid next to me. I snuggled into him, yawning, before closing my optics tighter. I fell into complete recharge.

"Hypocritical, Egotistical, don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical.
Working hard on something I'm proud of, out of the box, an epoxy to the world, and the vision we've lost.
I'm an apostrophe, I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see, I'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe, and yet a masterpiece, and yet i'm half-diseased, and when i am deceased, at least i'll go down to the grave and die happily, and leave the body and the soul to be apart of thee.
I do what it takes."

I opened my optics, remembering the lyrics of Whatever It Takes. I wanted to get up, but as I sat up, Smokescreen pushed me back down, to relax. "Relax." He said gently, as he watched me from a chair next to the berth. I nodded slowly in agreement, closing my optics, I fell into another round of recharge.

I opened my optics, sitting up. I stretched. Smokescreen was sleeping in his chair. He probably fell into recharge while watching me. He was snoring softly, mumbling things in his recharge, his digits twitching now and then. I checked in on him, he was dreaming peacefully. No night terrors. I smiled softly. Everything was fine. Everything was just fine.

I laid back down, and closed my optics again, welcoming another round of recharge.

I woke up again, noticing Smokescreen was doing something at a new desk. "Good morning." I said groggily, as I sat up, stretching again, feeling very relaxed, but also stiff from lack of movement. I stood up, and walked over to see what he was doing. "Good morning, sweetspark." He replied, looking back at me, before continuing to work.

He was painting. Nothing in particular, just blending colors together, and creating abstract designs. I smiled, before drifting to darker thoughts. I sighed, frowning, as I went back to sit back down on the berth. Every time I saw those welds on his chassis, I always shot back to the moment... The moment he died. I remember each detail, I remember the trauma. I remembered everything. I remember how long it took me, when I lost my parents, to finally let go of the memory.

I remember that I couldn't run very well. I was always lazing around, doing nothing useful. And every time I did, my stiff back would stop me, by hurting. It always hurt. No matter what I did, the pain never went away.

Pain never went away, no matter what kind it was. It never goes away. It only lessens. Until it still hurts, but you can't feel it that much anymore. I remembered the first days, before I met the autobots. I remembered how much I avoided everyone, how much I hurt. How much pain I was in. Everyone left. They always did. But now that I'm older, more mature, It reminds me of the fact that, no matter what you do, you can't change anything. You can try, but in the end, it's either you continue trying, or you give up.

I had chosen to keep trying. And sometimes, I wondered if that was the best decision? Afterall, if I never kept fighting for myself, I probably would have met Smokescreen. But, I probably would have been in a much more miserable state then I was now, well, technically I would have been dead by now.

Something also tells me, that no matter where I would go, the decepticons would have gotten me anyways.
And sometimes, I felt scared of the monster I could have become. And with that thought, I was glad that things turned out this way. Even though terrible things happen, I just have to keep pushing through it. No matter what, I cannot stop fighting for myself, for everyone else too.

And, I cannot stop fighting for Smokescreen and our sparklings.

"Y/D?" Smokescreen asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I'm fine." I smiled dully, before sighing deeply. "What's wrong?" He asked, sitting next to me. "It's just... everytime... I see those welds... I think of what happened, that caused you to earn those welds." I shuddered, shivering at the memory. He sighed. "I couldn't feel you. I couldn't feel you at all. You were gone! And I was lost. I can't handle losing you like that ever again..." I said. He sighed, pulling me closer. I leaned on his shoulder. "I couldn't feel you either. But, I knew you were there, that you were still alive." He spoke with a soft, sad tone.

I sighed, allowing myself to cry. "I'm... just so happy, that your fine. That everything is fine." I said quietly.


Whew! hope you guys didn't think Smokescreen was actually dead. Well, I will eventually be making a side story, where Smokescreen did die. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I said I wouldn't be writing chapters nearly as fast, But since school issues, such as not knowing where to put me, I had a lot of extra time on my hands. Anyways...


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