Chapter 20

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We had just left base.

Heading northeast.

"Where to first?" I asked from above, flying slowly. "Praxus. I want to show you where I grew up." Smokescreen replied. I did a couple barrel rolls, Smokescreen driving along the road, despite it being cluttered with scrap metal from the buildings nearby.

We would be gone for two earth months.

I started playing On Top Of The World,

Speeding forward, doing barrel rolls, front flips, and other aerial acrobatics. I heard Smokescreen chuckling as he watched me having fun flying.

We then started talking about things. As it slowly grew dark, we settled down at the base of a couple buildings. We were already long out from base.

"Haha! Remember that time Ultra Magnus got covered in my paint? I warned him not to touch the cabinet where my paints were. He did! Haha, accidentally opened it, sending open bottles of paint all over him!" I laughed. "Yeah, and we had to spend hours cleaning the paint off the floor, walls, and the door. But, Ultra Magnus was looking very pleased with himself!" Smokescreen said with a laugh, as we just enjoyed each other's company.

I looked up at the sky, now dark, as the sky slowly brightened from the light of the stars glistening. I sighed softly, smiling, as I looked up at the night sky.

We fell silent, as we took in the sight, I relaxed. "What do you call the constellations here?" I asked, looking at Smokescreen. "We call that one, Iaconus The Warrior, legends say that Iaconus would battle hordes of enemies in the night, only stopping to rest when he came back in a certain time of the vorn." Smokescreen said, pointing to what was an unrecognizable constellation.

"We call that one, what you humans called the Big Dipper,

Star The Watcher. She was a minicon known for being one of the smallest minicons, but pushed aside the fact she was small, and proved herself to be one of the best leaders, a long long time ago. Now she's known as the watcher. The watcher of the night sky." Smokescreen explained, continuing on.

"The Little Dipper was said to be Star's sparkling, who instead of being a leader like his carrier, he became a fierce warrior. Now known as Battlewinner the gladiator." He said. "Hm, what do you call Lupus the wolf?" I asked.

"Wolfrunner the first cyberwolf." Smokescreen replied, smiling softly.

I snuggled into his side, he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer, as I leaned on his shoulder.

I pulled out my datapad, and snapped a picture of the place, to paint later.

"What would you say about having sparklings?" Smokescreen asked slowly. Nervously. "Maybe one day. When things calm down, when it's safer." I replied softly. I wanted to start a family one day. But I knew it wasn't the time right now for that. I didn't want to raise my children to be warriors, killers. I felt Smokescreen agree to that thought.

It was a comfortable silence, as we relaxed. "Goodnight." Smokescreen said softly, laying down. I was going to wait a bit before I went to recharge. I transformed to cyberwolf form, walking forward, as I looked around the little area we found. I always stay awake longer. It always was a part of me to watch over everyone else. I sniffed the air, smelling something peculiar. I stalked towards the smell, which was nearby. "Y/D?" Smokescreen called out, I flattened my audios to my helm, stalking back to him, as he was about to ask what was up, I placed a paw on his face to silence him. I lifted my helm to sniff again, and reconfirmed the strange smell drifting from nearby.

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