Chapter 7

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I sighed. I was alone in the woods, propped up against a tree. My leg was wrapped up by Ratchet, because I guess I broke a stabilizer rod. I grumbled. It hurts. Apparently, the equivalent of breaking a human bone. I sighed. Ratchet's probably pissed at what I've done. I hate being yelled at, but what's worse is disappointment. I held a blaster in my servos. I didn't want the weapons upgrade, neither did the rest of the team. The recovery period was long, and I didn't feel like waiting that long. I grumbled, boredly watching the sky, as clouds lazily drifted across, I sighed, thinking about Smokescreen. I was worried. I went back to listening to the birds and various other animals that were chattering and going about their day. Soon enough, a pack of wolves came by, with about 8 of them. and I wanted to try something out. I transformed into my new cyberwolf form, and they lifted their tails in confidence, while fearfully growling. I dropped myself low to the ground, even if I was 4 times their size. I tucked in my tail, and rolled onto my back, as they stood interested. The largest of them, probably one from the main breeding pair, sniffed me, before curiously walking around me. I whined quietly, letting them know my submission, and they backed away, probably deeming me too dangerous. Didn't surprise me, I sighed, transforming back to bi-pede, and watching them jump away, I held the blaster in my servos stiffly. They came back, closer, before ending up cuddling next to me. Why? I was curious, why would they do that? Unless they thought of me as a member of the pack? I don't know. I was about to fall into recharge, when I heard engines from up above, the wolves scattered, and escaped into the undergrowth. I shifted, before wincing at my pede. It was impossible for me to run. I could transform into cyberwolf form, but I would be spotted easily. The best thing I could do was stay still, and hope they don't see me. It's only been about a day since the base was destroyed, and everyone scattered. The engines neared, I saw something large start landing in the clearing. "Idiots!" I yelled. Finally the dumb thing landed, and I was prepared to accept my fate, until the hatch opened up, and lifted down, revealing Bulkhead and Wheeljack. "Y/D? Why are you here alone? Where's Smokescreen?" Bulkhead asked as he rushed forward. "Well gee, you idiotic morons just landed in a tight clearing, not caring who you landed on! Like hell, be careful! You could have squashed a wolf or something if they ran directly under you!" I huffed, dropping the blaster, and glaring them down, while crossing my arms. Bulkhead looked concerned, while Wheeljack was mumbling something about me being fine. Bulkhead lifted out a servo, and I grabbed it, as he helped pull me up onto my pedes. I winced as I limped forward. Why wasn't it so painful when we got back? Now it's pure agony. "Come on. We don't have all day." Wheeljack huffed, stalking back to the ship. I growled irritatedly. "How about I break your stupid stabilizers and see how you feel afterwards!" I hopped forward on my pede, glaring at him. I was about to finish hopping to the ship, Bulkhead and Wheeljack were waiting. I had refused their help. Until, my injured pede caught on a root. I tripped forward, and landed on my chassis, with my face in the dirt. "Owwwwwwww!" I screeched, the ground muffling it. Pain sometimes pisses me off even more. I sat up, glared at my pede, punched the ground, before being even more pissed and standing back up. "That's it. I'm done." I growled, and transformed into my cyberwolf form, and limped forward carefully. Why didn't I think about this earlier? Oh wait, I did. But hey, I forgot! "Smokescreen went back through the groundbridge for Optimus." I said dismissively, as I stood onto the lift. We climbed in, and I transformed to bi-pede, before hopping forward to lean on the wall. "Who's this?" A grumpy voice at the head asked. "Y/D." Bulkhead replied, while Wheeljack scoffed. "Who's that?" I asked grumpily, as Miko started yipping questions at me, which I promptly ignored because I wasn't in the mood, Arcee facepalmed and explained how by the book the commander was. "Ultra Magnus." She replied, before explaining some backstory. "Wait, so you're telling me, grumpy Mango here commands the wreckers? Interesting." I said with a giggle. "It's Ultra Magnus." The grumpy Mango said. I laughed. "Perfect nickname. Mango." I giggled, Miko was having fun laughing with me, Jack was looking concerned. "He's probably not someone you should annoy." He said quietly. Ultra magnus was about to go all pissed mode, until Bulkhead cut in. "What even is a Mango anyways-" he asked, looking curious, Wheeljack was chuckling to himself, before nodding in agreement to the question. "A Mango is a tropical fruit, mostly green, orange, and yellow. Oh yeah, kinda like me." I erupted into laughter, I paused when something landed onto the ship. "Something's on the roof." I said. Bulkhead and Wheeljack looked at me with an 'obviously' expression, while Miko and Jack were looking scared, uh, Jack at least. Miko's never scared. Arcee was looking concerned. "A Predacon?" Ultra Magnus questioned. "Oh. That's just Zahavi. He's friendly." I said, as Zahavi promptly curled up on the roof. I laughed. "Get it off." The commander growled. "What are you looking at me for? I'm the one with a broken stabilizer rod." I said with a glare. They stared at me. "What? You know how much Zahavi is going to be pissed at the fact I'm hurt. I'm quite looking forward to not having to stop his rampage." They sighed. "Fine, fine. If he destroys something, don't look at me, or him." I said, lifting myself slowly onto my pede, avoiding pressure on the other one. "Zahavi, get off the roof. Please, just follow us." I said softly through the com link. Well, he got off the roof. "And before you shoot forward at high speed, don't leave him in the dust. If you do, I will just hop off and fly with him. Got it?" Magnus looked up at me. "Fly with him, I don't care. If you hurt yourself, your problem. When I'm done with you, you will be the lowest rank possible. For disrespecting those of higher authority." He glared at me. I sighed. "I'll respect you when you lighten up that attitude." I said simply. "Get. Off. My. Ship." He pointed at the lift. "Just where I was going. And Miko, don't do what I did. Anything but that." I stared down at the Japanese girl, who nodded slowly, while crossing her arms, mumbling 'Not fair'. I laughed. "Unlike you, I can fly." I said, hopping forward on one pede. "Yeah, you can't even walk, sit back down." Arcee glared up at me. "Commander's orders." I said. "Frankly, he doesn't even care if I fall out of the sky because of insubordination. I stepped on the lift, and went down, before jumping off and attempting to transform into my jet form. "Ow. Ow. Ow." I screeched. No, it wasn't the transformation that hurt, but my pede did not like the sudden rush of air against it, and it distracted me. Zahavi dived down after me, and grabbed me with his front claws, and carried me after the ship. "I can't fly." I agreed, he snorted before growling angrily. He probably was angry at the fact I was hurt. Mango probably thought I would be able to fly fine. I mean, I can, but if it wasn't for the air pushing against my pede as I fell, I would have been able to. "Zahavi, drop me for a second." I said, as he glared at me. "Trust me." He sighed, and dropped me. I instantly transformed, and flew alongside him. Normally I dropped down a few meters to feel the wind against my frame before transforming, but that proved to be bad to my pede. I sighed. I was surprised how calm Zahavi was acting. We eventually arrived at a desert, and I circled as I watched the others land. Zahavi landed with a growl, and I circled again, as I neared the ground. I just realized my mistake, I can't land on my pedes. I hate my decisions. I sighed, slowed down as much as possible, I transformed just above the ground, and curled up, before transforming into my cyberwolf form, and curled up stiffly, before sitting up, and looking at my hind pede. "Wha-" Ratchet looked at me in confusion. "Eh, ask the decepticons" I said when I stood up, and transformed again, and hopped forward on one pede. I spotted a jet of some sorts, and I knew it was Agent Fowler, although Mango didn't. I watched him leap forward, transforming his servos into blasters. "Chill. It's just Agent Fowler." I grumbled, glaring at Mango. "Are all of the indigenous life forms insubordinates?" He growled, looking at Miko. "Eh, mostly just Miko. Oh, and me." I said, as Ratchet started fussing over me, and not being careful enough. "What do you mean?" Magnus asked, looking at me mildly confused, Bulkhead was about to explain, but I glared at him, and he nodded, understanding I'd like to talk about it on my own terms. "Eh. The decepticons picked me, out of like- 7 or 8 billion of us. Although I don't think that's what happened. Anyways, they somehow altered me into this. The only good thing that came out of that, was it pulled me out of my protective shell, and made my life less miserable, by meeting everyone here. I still don't know what they did to me fully, all I know, it was a living hell, and at the time I slightly hoped I died in the process, may as well give up and end my misery. Didn't happen, so that's nice. Not miserable anymore either. So, I'm satisfied." They stared at me, while Magnus made a hmm sound. "What? I don't take losing people that easily. Not anymore. Like I said, I figured that if I didn't have anyone, I wouldn't get hurt anymore." I sighed. Ratchet had paused in his fussing, and stared at me. I frowned. I transformed back into cyberwolf form to limp away. I wanted to be alone. I paused, looking back at the others. "If you're wondering where Smokescreen is, he went back for Optimus." I said, before continuing on. I sighed, looking up at the sky, the clouds floating across the bright blue expanse. "You need to rest." Ratchet said after me. "So what? You aren't mad at me anymore?" I growled, looking back at him, as I turned around. He stuttered before sighing. "There's no point in being angry over something that has already happened." He said, clenching his servos. Zahavi knew I was upset, so he avoided me. While all this was happening, Jack's mother was fussing over the three children like a mother hen. I sighed again, before nodding slowly in agreement. "Fine, I'll rest. Because you asked." I limped forward, transforming back to bi-pede. "I'm sorry." I said, as I limped with the help of Ratchet. He just looked at me, before nodding. We got inside, where Ratchet placed me onto a medical berth. And, soon enough, everyone was chattering about a plan. I didn't bother listening, as I knew I was out of the loop anyway. Broken pede and all. I watched them talk about plans, as I thought of how I was disrespectful to the commander. I used to be scared of getting in trouble. I used to be bold, but timid when it came to authority. I was just so.. grumpy earlier. I'm calmer now, but I didn't feel that good. Everything slowly got worse, unnoticeably worse. We were here for hours, and I soon became restless, wanting to move around, but I felt too weak to do so. Ratchet had noticed, and asked if I was alright. I said I was fine, and when he ignored that statement, I gave him a good deep glare, he backed away, while watching me like a hawk. This weakness.. it started back in the forest, I just didn't notice it that much. I started to get a helmache. Ratchet noticed the changes in my behavior. Pain started to grow everywhere. I laid, trying to get comfortable, trying to stop it. "R-Ratchet.." I said weakly. "S-s-something's.. w-wrong." I stuttered, looking up at him from on my side. Everyone else was still talking, so they didn't notice. He instantly scanned me with a medical scanner, trying to figure out what was wrong with me, before finding out my body was trying to shut down, my systems trying to delete themselves one by one. Memory would leave the last. "Scrap. Scrap-" Ratchet hissed, trying to put together why this was happening. The others paused when they heard Ratchet cursing loudly. The commander walked up to us, as I stared on blankly, as the pain continued. "What's wrong?" He asked, with only a small trace of worry in his tone. "Y/D.. is having a late side effect of the experiment-" Ratchet cut himself off, dropping the datapad. "And there's nothing we could do. She couldn't have been the first experiment, there must have been others, perhaps the Decepticons had something that helped prevent this.." he rambled, and that was worrisome. "Ratchet, spit it out." Arcee glared. Miko, Jack, Raf, Agent Fowler, And June, all looked up at him. I whimpered quietly, trying to curl up tighter. I let out a choked cry, as I started coughing, before falling limp with exhaustion. I didn't know what was happening to me, until Ratchet explained what it was. "E-eh, my life just always wants to m-make me miserable? H-heh." I said weakly, smiling up at them. "Don't you think about giving up. You hear me?" Ratchet growled at me. "I know you don't want to lose me. But, you said it yourself. The decepticons probably knew this would happen. And since they want to keep me alive so badly, give them what they want. Being alive is better than being dead after all. If they wipe my memory, simply, end me." I said, gathering my strength to sit up, before collapsing back onto the berth. "But- we can find a way without-" Ratchet continued, before Ultra Magnus interrupted him. "Ratchet's right, giving yourself to the decepticons will give them an advantage. Not only that, but it is incredibly foolish." He said, i stared at them. Bulkhead, Arcee, And Bumblebee were quiet, along with all the humans. "By the time you even find a solution, I'll probably be long gone. I don't like the idea either, I wish there was a better way, but there is none." I said, continuing on, even if my voice was getting weaker the more energy I used. "Fine. Don't get yourself killed." Ultra Magnus said. Looking at Ratchet, and nodding. He hesitated before sorrowfully opening a ground bridge. "Y/D, don't leave!" Miko begged, as Arcee and Bumblebee helped me up, I nearly collapsed under my weight, before standing shakily, on one pede. I sighed. "If this had turned out differently, and this never happened, I would have been glad to accept you three as friends sooner." I said as a farewell, and surprisingly, the bot who helped me through the groundbridge was Ultra Magnus. Zahavi was roaring loudly, and was being held back by the others, I watched sadly before walking through the groundbridge with the help of Ultra Magnus. He sighed, looking down at me, as he helped me through, just as we exited it, I had collapsed, and I couldn't keep walking. My helm felt like it was full of cotton. We were in the now abandoned city of Jasper, Nevada. Most specifically, the town, the rest of the city was on the other side of the monstrosity now standing in the middle of it. "I'm sorry. For being rude. Disrespectful, and I know, you could really mess me up, and I'm sorry." I said, looking up at him. He nodded solemnly, before contacting the decepticons, and quickly gently leaving me on the ground, stepping away, closer to the groundbridge. "Stay safe, Soldier." Ultra Magnus said, as Starscream and a small group of seekers flew down from their high and mighty perch, and landed in front of us. "Someone's not doing so well." Starscream smirked, as I glared with dull optics. Ultra Magnus left through the groundbridge, and I watched it close, leaving me alone with the decepticons, completely at their mercy. They dragged through a groundbridge that went to the top of their fancy new tower. They threw me in front of Megatron, as I looked up at him, I barely had the strength to stay up, let alone, awake. "Ah, a side effect. I knew it would happen eventually. So you finally give in, do you now?" He asked as he stalked around me. I looked up at him blankly. He rushed forward, grabbed me by the neck. "Do you?" He asked. I looked at him, dull teal optics meeting bright red. "I give in." I said quietly. "Who is your master?" He asked, squeezing harder. "You." I said. "You will obey my every command." He said, waiting for an answer. I hesitated, before choking out a; "Yes." He dropped me, and left me for Shockwave to take care of. I was worried. Not just for myself, but suddenly I felt worried about everyone else. I couldn't walk anymore. Vehicons dragged me behind Shockwave, as we headed onto the warship, The Nemesis. What's with enemies and their threatening base names.. like sheesh.

I tried to be humorous, but I couldn't get myself to speak. I felt so tired.. The purple and black hallways of The Nemesis felt like they dragged on forever, I was halfway into recharge when we finally stopped at a door, I was dragged through into the room, before being lifted, and placed onto the table. I didn't bother fighting. I was too weak otherwise. So far, none of my systems failed, even though a couple had gotten extremely close several times. "This should help you fight it." Shockwave said, injecting me with some sort of liquid. I watched him grab another liquid, yellowish in color. I looked at him with mild confusion, watching him near me with a needle filled with the liquid. "It will be logical to go through this process under stasis." He said. I sighed, watching him stab the thing into my arm, it didn't hurt that much, partially because everything else hurt much more than a simple sting. The darkness crashed over my vision, and pushed all senses of touch and sound away.


Did any of you notice the foreshadowing? This is gonna get juicy, hold on to the ride, and wait and watch. Other then having a bit of mild writer's block on this chapter, it was smooth progress.

Anyways, this is Meadow, Over & Out.

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