Chapter 6

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I see you guys. Skipping the chapters. Please, you won't understand much if you skip the chapters. I don't care if you skip the Bonus Chapters, but seriously, sometimes I make big chapters that have loads of stuff and explanation in them, which needs to be read first. If you haven't read chapters 1 - 5 yet, or you hopped chapter 2 & 4 read them. They aren't fillers. Actually, you can just skip chapter 2, it has a few torture scenes, and it just says how the autobots rescued you. Chapter 4 is a must read, if you want to know who Zahavi is. The others aren't going to be fillers. In fact, the first 10 chapters are not going to be any fillers, just to speed up to where I want to be. Got it? Then go on to this chapter. It will be spicy with some foreshadowing and stuff. Anyways, Enjoy.

I opened my optics. I realized where I was, and began frantically pulling at my restraints. I looked to my side, and watched Knockout pull an omega key out of Smokescreen with the help of the phase shifter. I growled, yanking hard. It only resulted in pain in my wrists. I couldn't just sit around and do nothing. I growled. "Well, look who's awake." Knockout smirked. I glared, as I yanked at my restraints. I eyed the phase shifter on his wrist. "You're not getting your servos on this." Of course not. You're too far away. I glared. They started talking about something, and Smokescreen made some pretty hilarious remarks, but I wasn't paying much attention, as I was thinking on how to escape. "You first." Knockout grumbled. I sighed. He stuck the thing in the back of my neck, and everything swept black.

I knew where I was. I knew who was invading my memories. It wasn't as different as before. I knew that. A memory started playing out again.

I floated, floated.. This was familiar. I concentrated, tried to see more. I let my senses take me where they wanted. I watched the outside of the base.

I closed off the memory. "You think you can get away?"

I pulled up a memory of me listening to the songs On Top Of The World, Bleeding Out, Natural, It's Time, and finally, Zero. All by Imagine Dragons. While I was flying across the land. I didn't allow my memories to switch. Finally after going through all of them, Zero was next. It was simply to annoy them and give them the message that I would do nothing for them. "Wasting time, aren't you?" I played It's Time again. It never finished.

Knockout pulled the thing out of my neck, as I grinned. I gave Smokescreen the look of: 'do what I do, don't give in'. He nodded, and I watched Knockout stick the tube into the back of his neck. I watched the screen. I sighed when Smokescreen failed. He had tried, but it turns out Megatron was the more dominant mind. I sunk into my thoughts again, glad to have them back to myself again. Megatron walked out of the room, with the omega key. While Knockout was creeping towards Smokescreen, I watched as Smokescreen and Knockout fought over the Phase shifter. They went through the walls, and a few moments later, Smokescreen came and released me from the table. "Thanks." We shifted through the walls together, and I laughed at Knockout who was stuck in the wall. We got the two omega keys from Megatron, and climbed onto the flight deck. I could fly out, but I was unsure about Smokescreen. I thought of something. "There's nowhere to go. Autobots." Megatron growled. "Uh, technically there is. The sky." I giggled, and transformed. "Alright here's the deal, you jump on me and hopefully we don't fall to our dooms. Got it? Let's go!" I said quickly, hovering by the edge. Smokescreen jumped onto me, and I put my thrusters on maximum, managing to have enough momentum to keep us from falling. When we got far enough from the warship (which wasn't that far), Smokescreen called for a groundbridge. Ratchet provided, I dumped Smokescreen through it, blasted at the seekers, and flew in lazy circles. They had very poor aim. Until Megatron got pissy enough to come after me. The groundbridge was still open, as they waited for me to finish holding off the decepticons. A shot at my wing sent me plummeting, as I twisted and turned and managed to glide feebly from momentum. "Scrap." I hissed, as Megatron opened fire on me. I managed to dodge a few of them, and take another hit to my wing. I almost fell through the groundbridge, until someone pushed me out of the point of trajectory. I commed Ratchet. "I'm falling and I can't get up!" I yelled. "Y/D, you better not be joking right now!" Ratchet hissed. I laughed nervously. "Uh, I'm in trouble. One of my wings is damaged, and I kinda pissed off Buckethead enough to come after me. Plus.. I think Soundwave is after me as well. Uhh, I can't fly for long. I'm kind of in a steep dive, to keep myself from spiraling out of control." I explained quickly, as I tried to even out my dive. "Hold on." Ratchet said. I sighed, forcing myself to go up, and ignoring the pain in my wing. I bolted forward to my top speed, I went past my model's maximum of 1,864 miles, and forced myself through the strain to 1,880 miles. "Scrap." I hissed, analyzing my wing, and seeing the warlord and his TIC chasing me. My wing started smoking, and I could see sparks coming off it. How was I still in the air? Sheer will? I growled. "Y/D, you're going too fast, I can't lock onto your coordinates." Ratchet hissed. "Don't do anything reckless!" Ratchet said quickly. Too late. I was already going up, and flying on my back, before diving forward and opening fire on Soundwave, while dodging Megatron's blaster fire. I dove forward, and dived in a steep spiral, before speeding up back to max speed. The pain in my wing was starting to become unbearable, I looked behind me just as Megatron caught up, and shot at my weakened wing. I yelled out in pain as several hits landed. Ratchet was becoming increasingly more worried over the com link. "Will you calm down? I can't focus on my surroundings if you keep muttering things! Genuinely makes me concerned!" That shut him up. "I'll get myself somewhere safe. Until then, SHUSH." with that, I closed the link, because they could grab on to what we're saying. "Scrap. I'm leaking." I winced, watching my energon drip from the wound. They never give up, do they? I thought numbly. Soundwave attempted to capture me with the help of several groundbridges, which all I narrowly dodged. Several more shots from Megatron hit me, causing other wounds to start leaking. I flipped around and opened fire on them, before returning to another game of cat and mouse. Several more hits later, and I was barely flying. The pain was blazing, but I fought through it. I opened another com link. "H-help." I said quietly. Now I see why they never allowed me on missions. I was inexperienced. And here I was, fighting for my life. I refuse to go down now. I had 4 missiles that when on target, won't go off said target until it's destroyed. I flipped backwards, targeted Megatron, released one of the missiles on him, before targeting Soundwave and released one on him, and they struggled with them, and I took the chance to escape. I dived down, and flew low to the ground, before slowing down, and requesting a groundbridge. I flew through the bridge, and I transformed, skidding across the floor on my pedes, I skidded to a stop, and winced at the wounds that suddenly started leaking harsher. "What'd you do?!" Ratchet hissed as he dragged me to the med bay. "Eh, I gave Megatron and Soundwave a couple missiles to worry about." Just as I said that, I was notified the missiles met their targets. "And gotcha. They probably have a few injuries to worry about." I smiled weakly, as I laid on my back, Smokescreen worriedly paced in front of me, ignoring Ratchet's orders to leave. "That was extremely reckless!" Ratchet was lecturing me as he welded together my wounds. I sighed. "You could have offlined!" Ratchet continued his lecturing. "Will you listen to me?! I saved Smokescreen, and I injured both Megatron AND Soundwave!" I yelled back. "Y/D, Ratchet is right, that was reckless of you." Optimus said as he walked into the room. "Nonetheless, you would make a great scout. You will only go on scouting missions, no more than that, until we think you are ready." He continued, and Smokescreen looked excited, while Ratchet was about to decline. "Thank you Optimus, Sir." I said respectfully. He nodded, and headed out of the med bay. I grinned at Smokescreen, he grinned back. Ratchet was stuttering. "Oh relax. I'll be careful." I said confidently. "That's what they all say.." he muttered. I sighed, and got up. "I'm not finished!" Ratchet shoved me back down. I grumbled. When he finally finished, I got up and headed straight out of there.
A few days had passed, and it was a lot. First, Starscream stole and sold the Omega keys to the decepticons in place for Megatron's favor, and now I was stuck at base while the rest of the team went to cybertron. I sighed. So what if it was dangerous? I wanted to help! As Ratchet was about to close the bridge, I slipped through, and transformed, hiding far behind the others. I flew up into the strange atmosphere, it was so strange.. everything was still, nothing like the wind on earth, and the buildings.. completely destroyed. Ratchet probably commed the others to let them know I came along. I flew out of sight, watching. I flew across the large flat stretch of plain? I couldn't tell, it looked rusty. Like, very rusty. I forced myself to watch as the Decepticons dragged my three human friends into the mix, by having them in glass cylinders. I watched the Autobots trade the relics and omega keys for them. I took my queue and dived from the top ring, spiraling into a dive until I was low to the ground, I sped up, Transformed, slipped by Soundwave, Knockout and Starscream while grabbing the omega keys from their servos, Transforming again, before bolting away again. Soon enough I had several seekers after me. I flew across the surface, twisting and spinning, before darting back, and released the last two of my homing missiles on Megatron and Soundwave, before dumbing 4 other missiles on the ring of seekers surrounding my team. I had 3 of 4 omega keys safely locked away in my cockpit. I laughed, and twisted and turned in the air, before circling back, I focused all my firepower on the remaining seekers before targeting Knockout and Starscream. I didn't notice Megatron's blaster powering up, until it hit one of my wings. I screamed, falling to the ground. I winced, luckily it was only the tip of my wing. I pulled up, and darted back upwards, before diving down again. I let all hell loose onto them, before being knocked out of the sky by Lazerbeak. I skidded on my side, shielding the omega keys. Smokescreen helped me up. By now it was a staring match. Megatron looked at me, and hid his servos behind his back. "Step forward, and return the omega keys, and I may just forgive you." What was so valuable about me? I thought, as I looked up at Optimus and looking at Smokescreen, before looking back at Optimus, gave him a look of defiance, and he understood. I stepped forward, and heard the shocked gasps of the rest of my team. I looked back at them with a glare that said; 'Play along'. I stood in front of Megatron, a good 20 feet away. "You know, I'm not like you. I don't fight like you, I don't think like you. And unlike you, I have a deep desire to protect those who I believe I should protect." He peered at me with interest. "And, you're not someone I would lose my spark for. Go to hell." I hissed, throwing the omega keys back at my team, I darted away from Megatron before he could try anything. I smirked, giving him a good look of defiance, as I stood next to Optimus and Smokescreen.

He looked pissed, and I was proud of myself. That was until he went hell-bent on murder, and managed to yank away the omega keys, and stuff them into the omega lock. We were surrounded again. I didn't care much about the omega lock until a spacebridge opened up above it. To.. Earth?! "No!" I screeched, falling to my knees as I watched the charge enter the spacebridge. My friends.. the family I knew were still alive.. No! I stood up, bristling with hatred. Optimus stood defeated, I saw the deep sorrow in everyone's optics, and Miko was sniffling as she tried to hide her tears, Raf was sobbing, Jack had a grim expression. No! I ran forward, hatred flaring in each and every movement, I grew increasingly aware, and punched Megatron, whirling around to punch at Knockout, before flipping backward with suddenly increased agility. Images flashed across my mind, my friends, my families. I can give up on my new family, but I can't give up on my old. I fought, and kicked, flipped around, and did what I could with nothing but a pair of servos. They didn't do any of the upgrades such as weapons yet, so the only form that had weapons was my alt-mode. I growled, as I flipped and turned, I screeched out my fury, I leapt away, and felt something shifting. I felt my frame compact and shift, until it stopped. I growled, confused, tilting my head to the side, shaking myself out, noticing the danger, and leapt back from an attack. "Shockwave, what did you put in her-" Megatron roared, probably at Shockwave, through a com link. I ran forward, dodging quickly. Flipping and turning around was slightly harder, but not by much, except the fact I had to worry about 2 extra legs. I looked at the Omega lock, and thought up a plan, and darted forward, evading all attacks from Starscream and a few seekers, I start digging my newfound claws in and gripping something with my teeth, and managed to destroy it enough for it to stop, and it blew up. Everyone else was out of range, I whimpered quietly, as I limped away from the now destroyed Omega lock. I leapt away, and growled deeply. Optimus was leading the others against Megatron, who gathered up the relics, before requesting a spacebridge from Ratchet, Optimus didn't leave without removing the desecrated limb off Megatron, he told the others to retreat to the spacebridge, and followed only stopping to allow me to catch up as did Smokescreen who stayed behind in worry about me. "Go! I'll hold them off!" He said, watching the others run. I snarl deeply, limping forward to the spacebridge. I transformed back to bi-pede, and limped forward, my pede injured. Smokescreen grabbed ahold of me, and helped me to the spacebridge which was another 30 feet away, Optimus was holding off the remaining of the Decepticons as much as possible, before falling back as me and Smokescreen neared the spacebridge. We entered first, before being followed by Optimus, Ratchet closed the bridge, and was quick to scold me about being reckless again. I was reckless, but I saved Earth. I watched Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead release Miko, Jack, and Raf from their glass prisons. Ratchet paused in scolding me and confusedly looked at Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee. "The children?... what happened?" He asked, placing a servo on his faceplate. They didn't respond. Understandable, they just watched the only hope for their planet be destroyed by me. I shuddered, and managed to slip away to the corner. "Will somebody tell me what happened?" Ratchet asked again. "Y/D.. destroyed the last chance to revive cybertron." Ratchet froze up. "What? But- Y/D-" he looked at me. I sighed. "How could you- after all we've worked on, how could you?" He asked, I looked down at my pedes sadly. "There was nothing I could do. I couldn't stand by and watch my planet, the only home I've ever known to be destroyed. But that doesn't matter. You deserve your home, after all this. But I took that chance away, just to fulfill my selfish desire to keep my home." I said quietly. "I would have done the same thing." Optimus spoke up. Ratchet wasn't having it. Soon enough the rest got involved in the argument. Then we got attacked, and I wanted to get out there and fight, but I wasn't allowed to. I went with Smokescreen, to a forest, but he went back for Optimus, leaving me alone. I didn't mind, the team first. There was more than just me. I saved Earth, but at what cost?

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