Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes, and groaned quietly, as I stared up at an unfamiliar ceiling. It wasn't as obnoxiously bright as the last several times I woke up. Except, this time.. I wasn't able to move. No, not because there were restraints, but because of my exhaustion. I heard voices, but they were muffled, muffled by the creeping darkness that was sweeping over me. Exhaustion. I closed my eyes, as I gave in to my need to rest.

I opened my eyes, and was met with the same ceiling as last time. I saw someone walk into my line of vision, and I blinked before sitting up, and forcing myself to move. I panicked, I was afraid. "Ep- stay still!" A grumpy voice said, pushing me down flat, I glared defiantly, and sat back up, and got up, only for my legs to collapse under me. I yelped, nearly falling to my knees, before the owner of the voice, a white and red-orange bot, caught me. I growled and struggled, "Someone! I need help here!" He shouted, and a red and blue bot came in. I glared defiantly, as I tried to shove and kick my way out of the medic's grip. I was in a moment of fight or flight, and they understood. I couldn't think, all I could do was struggle, and fight. I didn't want to work for buckethead. I saw figures rushing around the room, and voices shouted at each other. But I couldn't focus on what they were saying or who was talking or who was around me. I was too deep in my terror to do anything but fight the grip holding me. Something shoved itself into my neck, and I automatically flinched away, but I was held by someone. I felt the liquid force itself into my neck, and I crumbled, and soon I fell into darkness.

I jolted awake, and tried to sit up, to run to do something, but I was trapped. Restraints held me to the table. I pulled, and grunted as I failed to do anything. "Calm down." The red-orange and white bot said, standing next to me, and looking down at me, before typing something in a pad of some sorts. He called someone in. I couldn't calm down, I couldn't. The same red and blue bot from last time came in. He was taller than the medic, but held a calm, but sympathetic expression. I didn't buy it, I wouldn't. I don't trust anyone. "Let me go." I said quietly. "What is your designation?" He asked. I looked at him suspiciously, before deciding that they probably didn't know anything about me, or what happened. I hate my decisions. "I don't have one." I said, "if you count my other name as one." I added, before grumbling. The medic looked at me with confusion, while the leader looked at me with interest. I sighed. I didn't feel like explaining. I saw movement at the door, and spotted a little thing scurrying inside. "Miko, get out of here!" The medic threw up his hands, and shooed her away. "But-" Miko started, but the medic gave her a glare. "Miko, do what he says." The leader said, and she scurried out. Wait.. Miko? As in.. "Miko?" I asked, Miko paused and looked back at me. "Wait.. Y/N?" She asked, hearing the familiarity of my voice. "What happened to you?" She asked. "You know Miko?" The medic asked. "Yeah, considering she shared my PE class. Keyword, Shared. Before this happened." I said, the restraints fell away, and I sat up. "The decepticons did this, didn't they.." the medic groaned, covering his face with a hand. "Yeah. Started eh, one shift at work. The next thing I know, I feel something forcing me to walk in the desert in the middle of the night. Said thing forced me to walk in a cave, where I found these glowing crystals, and a bunch of monstrosities that wanted me dead. Then uh.. silver stilettos grab me, because said thing that forced me there in the first place wouldn't let me do anything. So, stilettos squeezed the air out of me, I woke up in a room, pinned to a table. Next thing I know, purple one-eyed monstrosity is stabbing me with a needle as thick as a strawberry. Which is amazingly small considering the size of them. It wasn't fun. I'm not going to continue, because that was a living hell I don't want to remember." I explained, holding my knees to my chest. "Why'd they choose me, a weak crippled human out of several billion healthy ones." I asked, before falling back into my thoughts. I was tired again, I wanted to sleep some more, so while they were talking, Miko had already run off. I laid back down, and fell back asleep.

I opened my eyes, and sat up. "Well, you're awake now. Let's get you to walk. I'm Ratchet." He said, and I nodded, and I sat on the edge with my legs hanging just over the ground. I scooted forward, and stood up. I stumbled, and Ratchet held out a hand in case I needed it. I took a step forward, before relaxing. I took another step, relaxed even further, and confidently step by step walked to the door, before leaning on the wall, next to the door, and sighed as I was exhausted. "You know, it's getting ridiculous that just doing something as simple as walking tires me." I sighed. "Although, it's understandable. I went from 200 pounds to like- 1 or 2 tons. And I probably need to get used to my new body." Ratchet nodded, and held out a hand to help me back to the table. Bed. Whatever the heck you call it. I refused to have help, because I didn't want it. I was being stubborn, and I thought I could manage it by myself, but I couldn't. I stumbled, and fell forward with a yell. "You could have asked for help. Don't be stubborn." Ratchet said grumpily, as he helped pull me back onto my feet. I sighed. He helped me back, and I sat down, sighing tiredly. Ratchet looked me over for any scratches or dents. My social meter was full enough to last for a few million years. "After you learn how to walk again, you will need to learn how to transform. But that's after you're stable on your feet." He said grumpily, before returning to his computer.

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