Chapter 18

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It's been 15 years since I've become a cybertronian.

I growled, snarling as I realized that this was a scouting mission gone wrong, way wrong. Smokescreen was with me, we were both together. I never really left the scouting position, even if I was ready. Even if I was 32 and a half. I was happy where I was. Even if Smokescreen was growing busier and busier over the years, He still went on patrols, scouting.

But today was a very bad day. We got ambushed.

I snarled leaping at a decepticon, being stabbed in the back by another, I yelped, whirling around as I jumped on the stabber, killing him swiftly, I turned to the other, slashing at him, taking him down quickly. They lost their fear of me a long while ago.

"Smokescreen?!" I yelled, looking for him in the group of a dozen decepticons. Megatron must be going mad. Smokescreen was cornered by a group of 4 decepticons, taking down two, while the others landed hits on him. I yelped as pain shattered along my back, as I tumbled to the ground, slamming my jaw into it. I stood up, wincing, and leapt for them, they swatted me away, sending me to the ground with a sickening thud, as I let out a howl of agony. I heard something crunch, sending another wave of agony through my frame.

Smokescreen fought off the two, rushing to my aid, finishing off another two, before being surrounded by 3 more. I stood up, yelping from the pain in my pede. What's with me and broken pedes?! I growled, no longer in any position to fight. This fight was over as quickly as it started, Smokescreen was pinned down, leaving 4 other decepticons. I limped forward, snarling as I managed to leap onto another Decepticon, taking it down, before being slammed into the ground by their bulky teammate. 3 left. Smokescreen took care of the other two, leaving the one bulky guy left, who had already sustained plenty of damage from me. Smokescreen finished him off.

"Smokescreen to base, we are requesting a ground bridge, severely injured." Smokescreen requested, as I stood up, limping forward pitifully, weakly, as I coughed up some energon, which made me fall to my side. "Y/D!" Smokescreen yelled out of concern, running to me. I stood up transforming to bi-pede, before collapsing forward, Smokescreen caught me.

The ground bridge opened, Smokescreen dragging me through as gently as I could. "Y/D, you're gonna be fine... I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, my love." He said softly, as I smiled weakly. "I know." I said shallowly. "Hold on Y/D... hold on my love. Please..." He said distantly, as everything faded to nothingness.

I heard them, I heard them talking about things, waking me up, I weakly let out a groan, beginning to cough again, I heard them say something, and I felt servos hold my servos, a pinch in my neck, and everything crashed to blackness again.

Every time I woke up, I was in agony, which made them put me under again. I knew Smokescreen was at my side, because I always felt him holding my servos every time I woke.

"Wait what?" I heard Smokescreen say, "Y/D needs surgery, she's sustained heavy damage to her tanks, and several other internal injuries. I heard Ratchet explain. I cracked open an optic, ignoring my agony, as I looked up at them weakly, "wha...? Smokescreen..." I managed to say, my mind in shambles, as I felt sick. I coughed violently, rolling on my side painfully. "Oh- scrap- grab a bucket!" I heard Ratchet say, I found the bucket, and puked, staring down at the now blue bucket. I groaned, feeling weak, as I fell limp.

Smokescreen helped me onto my back, as I wailed from the pain, coughing some more, falling limp on my back, weak, exhausted.

"We need to do it now, before she doesn't make........" I faded into darkness.

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