Chapter 13

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I was sitting on a medic berth as Ratchet was examining me. I had quickly been reintroduced to everyone after Knockout, Breakdown, and Dreadwing left. He was comparing my processor to other bots' processors who had been memory-locked completely.

He decided to analyze my long term memory, after making sure that the barrier between the memory lock and the memories themselves. It was complicated, and I wasn't going to sit around and try to understand it.

But, he kept me there after all. Before dragging all the others in, all but Ultra Magnus who was looking for anything useful from Optimus' berthroom on earth. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee wanted to say goodbye to their human companions, but were needed here. Ratchet led me into an interrogation room, as it was the only room with a glass panel to see through, a table, and a couple of chairs. Smokescreen placed a datapad in front of me, which started playing the next song on the playlist.

Immortals by Fall Out Boy

They say we are what we are
But we don't have to be
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way
I'll be the watcher (watcher)
Of the eternal flame
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams
Oh, I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass),
Oh, I try to picture me without you, but I can't.

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long for long,
And live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down,
Just not for long for long,
We could be
Immor-immortals, immor-immortals, immor-immortals,
Immor-immortals. Immortals

Sometimes the only payoff for having any faith,
Is when it's tested again and again every day,
I'm still comparing your past to my future,
It might be your wound, but they're my sutures,
Oh, I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass),
Oh, I try to picture me without you, but I can't,

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long for long,
And live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down,
Just not for long for long,
We could be
Immor-immortals, immor-immortals, immortals,
And live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down,
We could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long for long,
We could be
Immor-immortals, immor-immortals, immor-immortals, immor-immortals

The song ended, and everyone looked at me hopefully, which I slightly nodded. It reminded me of how as a human, I had accepted the fact I wouldn't live forever. Smokescreen seemed happy about that, and reached for my servo, which was currently resting on the table. I flinched when he touched my servo, not because it hurt, but because, even after all that happened, I still didn't trust him. I flinched away from his touch, pulling my servos back, before hugging my chassis as I closed my optics out of awkwardness.

I felt the hurt, the sadness radiating from him, I knew that I should be able to trust him. My spark was telling me I should be able to trust him, but my processor won't agree. Smokescreen sighed quietly as I felt the sudden waves of pain and sadness from the others. Sometimes I hated how I could feel how everyone was feeling. Usually I ignored it, but, like now, I couldn't. It was too strong to ignore.

I heard the next song starting, as I opened my optics and watched Smokescreen pull away from the datapad, which I somehow recognized as mine.

Darkside by Alan Walker

We're not in love
We share no stories
Just something in your eyes
Don't be afraid, the shadows know me
Let's leave the world behind

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