Chapter 9

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I opened my optics, everything was blurry.. numb. My vision focused on a faceplate looking down at me, silvery white, rimmed with red, before drifting back into recharge. I opened my optics, everything was blurry, and numb. Still. I twitched a digit, before letting out a cry of pain as it stretched over my entire arm. Something stabbed into my neck, sending me crashing back into recharge. I sank into a dark black space. I heard voices, yet I didn't understand their words. I was stuck... in this black, empty space. I knew what happened, I fell out of the sky. I should be dead. Offline. I listened as I heard someone standing up, and walking away. Time drifted. I drifted through my memories, knowing they were all safe. If I was still in my depression, I would have given up. But now, I have a purpose. A life I wanted to live. Not that anyone would throw down the life of a cybertronian. My childish, playful, and naive side nagged, I laughed, and sank farther into the darkness that was my mind.

No matter how hard I tried, I sank farther into the darkness, the darkness that was starting to speckle in lights, many.. tiny lights. I started hearing worried movement, voices. Was I going offline after all? I thought quietly, in the vast blackness. "No." A voice said. I looked around for it, and perked up defensively. I relaxed since I knew Megatron couldn't haunt me here, unless he was haunting me here.. although the voice didn't sound like him. I heard the quiet chatter of some bots, I couldn't.. wake up. I was too far.. deep. I was trying. I just.. couldn't. I heard voices yelling at each other, until it fell into silence. I had a strong sense of not being alone. I didn't see anyone, except the various lights glowing around me. I tried forcing my optics to open, but nothing was listening to me. Definitely don't fall out of the sky. You either die, or you end up stuck in the darkness of your consciousness. I pinched an imaginary nose bridge, staring around the blackness, of which I didn't know where. I couldn't do anything but wait.

Time drifted again. I don't know how long I was here, in this darkness. I wasn't alone, I had this.. blue orb following me around. Watching me. I ignored it simply because staring at it wouldn't get me anywhere. That was my logical explanation. It'd say a few things here and there. Read all my thoughts, which was creepy. Although.. it sounded.. weak. As if injured. As I wandered through my memories, the orb followed. Finally, I got fed up with its existential crisis of pain, and I grabbed it. "What's wrong with you? Like- you're not physically damaged so- why are you-" I paused, letting it float out of my servos. "It's nothing that can be fixed. Without cybermatter. Just a few more earth months, and I'll be fine." I frowned at it. "Okay, so- why are you following me? Here. In all this mess?" I asked, gesturing to the various memories playing out. "Because you're the only company I have. Everyone else is already either returned, or not. Very few in betweens." It said, I stared at it. Orb said weird things. I shrugged it off, and kept walking through my memories again. Occasionally I heard things happening outside of what was happening here. Making me curious about what was going on. "Okay, I'm getting sick of this. How long is a coma anyway? Wait.. I'm dumb. Comas can last for years. Great. So I might be stuck here for a while. Not much to do other than sit and think about what happened before. Yay. Boredom." I rambled to myself, as I walked through my memories. I sighed, pausing and looking up at one of my childhood memories. I shoved it away, and ignored the laughter and temptation of watching it. Looking in the past won't get you anywhere, except provide answers. Not that answers could help me here. "You were happy at one point in time." The orb said, as it hovered next to me. "Yes, I was. Until all this scrap and drama happened. Positively ruined life. I don't mind, it was getting a bit boring doing the same routine everyday. I'm still.. relying on my anger to fuel my courage. More like recklessness. Ah, curse my chicken nature. I'm a coward." I crossed my arms across my chassis, looking down at my pedes. "And I'm rambling again. I've been here too long. Then again, I always talk to myself. You probably know that by now." I said, frowning. "I am happy now. I just wish for the stress to be over. Sure I want action, but, war? No thank you. I guess I should have a nice chat with the decepticons for the.. uh.. I don't remember-time. About that." I thought for a moment, and stood staring upwards. "There were so many times I could have given up. But I didn't. It's not who I am. It's not who I would ever be. There's just too many things to do, to see, to experience." I said, studying the various memories slipping by. The orb hummed thoughtfully. I pulled up a memory of me flying through the air. "That was fun, relaxing." I said, smiling, before shoving it away with a frown. I sighed. Soon enough everything grew lighter, then sinking back to darkness. I looked back at Orb, and smiled. "Well, hopefully you won't be here any longer." I said, before being grabbed by the pitch blackness. "Be careful." I heard the last two words from the Orb, before I was gone completely.

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