Chapter 24

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I paced the prison cell, growling, as I stalked in the dark. "Y/D, quit that pacing, we'll get out eventually." Ultra Magnus ordered, I glared at his direction. "We've been here for 2 cybertron months." I hissed.

Another wave of tiredness stretched through me, as I placed a servo on my abdomen. I sighed.
"We need to get out soon!" I yelled, punching the door. "I know you are angry about what happened to Smokescreen, but that is no excuse to act this way." He said firmly.

"We need to get out. Soon, before-" I started. "Before what?" He asked grumpily. "Will you two quit yelling?" Starscream yelled. He glared at us from his corner.

I continued pacing. "Before what?" Ultra Magnus repeated, I turned towards him. "Nothing." I said quickly, dismissively, before sitting down by the wall. Starscream eyed me suspiciously, surprisingly keeping his intake shut. He looked away, and closed his optics, probably to recharge.

Every time I reached out in the bond, I felt nothing. It was completely numb, gone. Each and every time, I closed my optics, and would cry for a few hours, quietly, in the dark nothingness of this prison cell. And for once... I didn't. Because, I had grown numb, emotionless, as I hardened myself, to stay strong. Seal it away, that's what I've always done.

The door opened, and I launched myself forward, about to transform into cyberwolf form to tackle the guards, only to be hit with a energon prod. I yelled, flinching away from the pain, quickly aiming to defend my abdomen. "Well, looks like we have a volunteer." They cackled, slapping cuffs on my wrists, and pulling me out.

I growled, before trudging along silently, angry. They continued pulling me down the hallways, I obeyed, knowing resisting would get me nowhere. They pulled me along, before removing my cuffs, and throwing me in another prison cell. I heard cheering outside, as I peered through the bars.

Suddenly, the bars opened, allowing me through. As soon as I spotted the open sky, I transformed to jet mode, blasting forward, towards the sky, freedom. I could almost taste it, I was so close!

Yet, so far.

I was almost free, but I knew there was some sort of barrier. I always flew up to see if it was gone or not. It never was gone. I slowed down drastically, diving back to the ground. They were laughing at my attempt at escape. I growled, activating my visor. "What do you want? Another fight?" I yelled at Megatron, who was watching from his throne. I ignored the aching of the new injuries I received from previous battles.

"You do know how reckless you are in a fight, right?" The new decepticon medic said, I sighed. "Does it matter? I'm always going to get hurt again anyways. Better to take them out as fast as possible." I hissed, glaring at him.

Just then, the other bars on the other side of the arena opened, allowing a few decepticons in, they looked ready to give me a beating, all except one. Don't be too reckless, I told myself. But, they were so wrong, the smallest one hung behind, afraid. He was the only one not interested in fighting me. I transformed to cyberwolf form, stalking forward, before running, and launching myself at one of them, the biggest one, I pinned him down, digging my claws in, as I flattened and tensed my frame for incoming attacks.

I quickly crushed his neck, leaping from his now-limp body, I trotted threateningly towards the others. They were beginning to grow afraid, the small one, more afraid then earlier. I knew a well-aimed shot could activate my protection instincts, which I did not want to happen, because then, I couldn't control myself, yet I could. I was afraid I wouldn't.

The stress my frame was going through was already enough, I didn't need the stress of the instincts, but if needed, I will.
Now, I realized how much stress I was going through now. I lunged at the next one, which caused their friend to go blaster mode, I quickly took care of the decepticon under me, and stalked towards the other one, who was shaking, and at that moment, I realized how small they were. They were not battle hardened, they were young, and afraid.

I realized, this one didn't laugh at me, nor want to fight me. I transformed back to bi-pede, and glared up at Megatron, allowing the little guy to run back to the bars.
"Alright, so you throw in a sparkling, and expect it to take me down? Not only that, but you knew how easily I could rip them apart. And frankly, no. I won't kill them off, because that is just wrong." I spat angrily.

The little guy was yelling at the others to let him back in, but they refused to. "If you want me to fight, I will. But not a sparkling who can hardly defend himself. How about, you come down here and face me, yourself, eh Lord Buckethead?" I said boldly, crossing my arms over my chassis.

I realized suddenly, that was a bad idea. One, that would likely mean the end of me. And...

A crash in front of me disrupted my thoughts, The bars opened, letting the little decepticon back in, but the warlord out.

"So, you came upon my offer. Gladiator of kaon? Pathetic." I taunted, fisting my servos, and preparing my stance. I quickly remembered what I had to do to fight Megatron. He was fast, powerful, and unpredictable. But, after fighting him so many times in a spar, I remembered one key component. He was easy to juke.

He scoffed at my taunt. "What, is this fight for your late sparkmate, Smokescreen? Or rather, for yourself?" He replied to my taunt. I froze, my optics widening, as I shook. Remembering the sword... I clenched my servos harder, as anger stretched over me. "You, Have no right to speak about Smokescreen that way." I growled out, my tone thick with anger, as my frame rattled from anticipation.

He took that as a sign to fight. Lunging towards me, as I quickly dropped, and dodged his attack. I transformed to cyberwolf form, leaping forward, slipping to the side as he tried to reach for me. The perks of being small. I launched onto his back, digging my claws into his back, as I gripped the back of his neck with my jaws.

Suddenly, he swung me forward, sending me crashing into the nearby walls. I ended up scratching up deep scratches in his back, I snarled defensively. "Well, look who finally learned." He growled, running towards me. I dodged out of the way, flipping backwards. I transformed into jet mode, flying up, flipping before I dived back down, raining blaster fire on him, He retaliated with blaster shots of his own.

I twirled, dodging the shots frantically, before dive bombing on him, transforming to bi-pede, yelling. "This is for Smokescreen!" I yelled, before punching at Megatron's helm. He growled, trying to get ahold of me, I felt my pedes land on his chassis, I pushed off, flipping backwards, and transforming to cyberwolf form. He stumbled from my push.

I snarled, as the crowd cheered from the excitement, mostly for their lord. He glared down at me. I snapped my jaws, gnashing my teeth together threateningly, raising my tail in confidence. Anger, all I felt was anger. I leapt forward recklessly, bouncing to the side, ready for another dash into attack, only to be shot in the side.

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