Chapter 23

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I jolted awake from recharge, getting up quickly, something felt wrong. Terribly wrong. It's been several cybertron months since me and Smokescreen returned from our two earth months honeymoon.

I shivered, Smokescreen was already up, working. He has been working a lot lately. The Decepticons were working on some sort of plan, by the amount of their activity lately, raiding old factories, and over all aiming to take out the higher command, that being me, Smokescreen, Altair, Silentwing, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, and the newest council member: Zephyr.

Something felt wrong. My instincts were going haywire. "Y/D we need you to bring the predakits to us at the border." Zahavi said through a comlink. "Will do." I said slightly groggy from the rude awakening of my recharge caused by my instincts. "Did I awake you?" Zahavi asked. "No. My instincts did. Something doesn't feel right. Nonetheless, don't worry about it." I said, getting off the berth.

I walked to the door, turning, towards my desk, something telling me it would be the last time I'd see it. I grabbed my visor, sliding it on, as I took a vent, and walked out the door, to be met with questions. They were panicking about something. I growled softly. "Move." I barked, running forward, ignoring the flashes of colors of the various frames, Orange, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink, Purple...

Rumbling suddenly struck the bunker. I yelped, grabbing the railing, before I fell. Unfortunately, several others weren't as lucky. I quickly help them up. I rushed up the stairs, running down the hallways, transforming to cyberwolf form, to speed forward, skidding down the hallways to the medbay

"Ratchet! The Predacon sparklings need to be delivered to Zahavi and his brothers." I yelled, as I skidded, Transforming as I slid to a stop in the open door of the medbay. "Take them!" He yelled, rushing around, tending to the injured soldiers. "What's going on?" I asked. "The Decepticons finally decided to raid the base! Go now!" He yelled, herding the sparklings to me.

I felt a mild streak of pain strike through my frame, ignoring it, I transformed back to cyberwolf form. "Smokescreen?!" I called out through the bond, As Ratchet packed the sparklings in a backpack. They were oddly small, to come out of such large eggs. As soon as Ratchet Strapped the last sparkling in, I raced off. "Y/D? My love, please be careful!" He replied.

I continued running down the hallways, not slowing down even around a corner. I raced forward, running on the walls, I jumped down from the wall, ignoring the strain, the stress, and streaking forward faster, the hallways clear. I bolted outside, only to be met with explosions, and blaster fire. "Y/D! We will come with you!" Smokescreen yelled, Ultra Magnus by his side, The Star Saber strapped to Smokescreen's back.

I let out a howl of approval, racing forward, dodging the blaster fire, as everything we had built in the last 50 years fell. The gray walls that surrounded the buildings had been destroyed, falling from extreme damage.

Smokescreen raced beside me in his alt mode. Ultra Magnus on my other side, Driving beside me. We leapt outside the walls, as I let out a shocked howl from the destruction, the many bodies slowly piling up. I pushed away my shock, quickly racing to the border of Iacon.

Only to find that the decepticons were chasing. I raced forward, my paws barely touching the ground, as I pushed myself farther than I felt I could. I wheezed, as I coughed from the strain, slowing down. Luckily Zahavi had arrived, as did Skylynx and Darksteel. I dropped the pack, and they quickly lifted off with the sparklings, taking cover in the city, as they escaped to their new home.

I coughed, and gasped, wincing at the stress. I transformed to bi-pede, venting deeply, as I rested. "Y/D? Are you alright?" Smokescreen asked, coming to my aid. "F-fine... just... tired." I smiled tiredly, standing up, and transforming to jet mode. "Meet me back at base." I said, blasting away, speeding towards base, shooting down several seekers, barrel rolling as I fired at the seekers, as I made It back home.

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