Chapter Forty-Six : Scent of a Burnt World

Start from the beginning

Ava Paige

But don't worry everyone

I'm her unforgettable son

Carl Paige.

"Is this all of them?" Paige asked Janson, seeming to want to get straight to business.

"Most of them." Janson answered, but it didn't seem to be an answer that Paige wanted to hear. "It'll be enough."

There was a silence that hung over all of us as Ava Paige's eyes scanned over everyone gathered up in front of her. It was quite a large crowd. A large crowd full of people that hated her. What a shame.

"Start loading them up." Paige finally said, knowing that at a time like this, being picky wasn't an option. You get some, or you get none. However, I would have preferred the latter option.

Almost immediately, I heard the sounds of the Immunes behind me yelling at the soldiers who hefted them to their feet and forced them to the burg. They fought, I heard them, but no matter what they did, they were overpowered. There was no good ending to this, I could basically smell it.

"Where is it?" Ava asked, turning to look at Janson.

"In our custody, just like the rest of them." He assured, but again his answer did not please the woman.

"Bring it out here." Paige demanded. "Now."

"I don't think that is a good idea..."

"Good thing they don't answer to you." Paige immediately cut him off, her patience running thin. "Bring it out."

That's when Buck was brought to us, her legs dragging against the floor as the soldiers carried her by her arms with no care. In the light of the fire, I could see the pain more clearly on her face, and immediately I tried to run over to her. Unfortunately, the soldier didn't even give me the chance to stand.

"NO!" Thomas screamed, jumping up only to be thrown right back down, but he kept fighting. "NO BUCK! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? LET HER GO!"

Those burns still looked incredibly agonizing and you could see it in her eyes. But even when going through all of that pain, even though she had been beaten, she still had that look in her eyes. She was a stone cold killer, and she wanted Paige to remember that in case she had forgotten. However, I don't think anyone could forget a woman like Buck.

Like the Scorch Reaper.

Ava Paige stood over Buck's body with an expression I couldn't read, but she wasn't looking for too long anyway. Paige tossed her hand to the side, indicating that she wanted Buck to be brought over with the other non-immunes. There were about five guards just looking after her as she groaned in horrible pain.

"I just wanted to see it." Paige admitted, but I didn't see any joy on her face like I saw on Janson's. I don't think she wanted Buck to be in that pain, even after all the things she had done.

Then, Ava pointed over to Thomas, waving her hand once which indicated to the boy that she wanted him closer to her. Thomas was forced to his feet and basically thrown at Paige who just stood there and watched. I don't think she enjoyed any of this, but I felt no sympathy for the bitch.

"Hello Thomas." She said to him with the sounds of fighting Immunes raging in the background.

   I was so focused on the scene in front of me that I didn't even notice the sight of Teresa coming up from the side. At first, I was relieved because I thought she was there to help us in some way, but my face quickly changed as Paige held her arm out, motioning the girl forward. I looked at Teresa with a confused and blank expression, trying to process it all.

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