The blond man

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Chapter 34: The blond man.

Dean's world had recently stopped spinning. His brother was habited by an almost unknown angel, Cass was no longer there. His days were long and bland. The nights spent without Castiel were even tougher. He could hardly sleep. He had nightmares about the fallen angel all the time. He saw him dying and suffering constantly. He sometimes feared that they were visions but Sam reassured him that it was impossible.

One morning, Dean woke up with a blank stare.
-How are you ? Sam asked him even though he already knew the answer. -Yesterday I felt him. I could feel Cass, Sam. He...he looked like he was in so much pain and pain I...
-I still don't understand why you don't call him.
-It's a long story.
-Why don't you go out to a bar? To meet and...
-No I don't need a random person. I need him. I need Cass.

When John woke up, he went back to look for food at the shelter. It made him sick to leave Castiel alone but he had no other choice.

When he returned he saw a blond man wearing a trench coat standing at the entrance to where they were hiding. John's heart stopped. What had he done to Castiel? Why was he there? The stranger turned in the dark to reveal he was carrying an unconscious Castiel in his arms. John let go of the food packets which fell open on the floor. He rushed as if his life depended on it towards the stranger who had no time to react when he received John's fist in the face.

Castiel fell heavily to the ground before John positioned himself in front of him to protect him, ready to attack the stranger.
- Woooow we calm down the doctor.
-If you still dare approach him...
-I told you we were calming down here ho!
-Why did you touch him?
- What's going on, it's your little pet, right?
- Stop moving forward.
-Ok ok. I'm Constantine. John Constantine. I am what you call a hunter. John immediately recognized the London English accent in his voice. -Sherlock sent you?
-I thought he was the detective and you were the stupid little guy following him, but I was wrong.
-Who WAS following him.
- Oh, yes sorry.
- So I take that for a yes? What did he ask you? Kill my friend? Capture him?
-No, none of that. To heal him. He asked me to take care of him. I owed him  so I went. this should invigorate him. Ho, and I almost forgot, here's some money.

With that, the man left. John moved closer to Castiel and patted his face gently to try to wake him up.
-Hey...hey Cass, look at me.
He opened his eyes and when he saw John he smiled.
-I need you to swallow this. Said John. He wasn't even going to look at what was in the bottle. He was so desperate. Castiel swallowed and looked a little better. He could walk and talk normally again and was not coughing as often.

John couldn't be happier.

A little bit of Constantine in this chapter, don't worry it's the only one.
Also please let à comment if you want, it would motivate me.

The day an angel knocked on 221B backer street doorWhere stories live. Discover now