I don't feel my wings anymore

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Chapter 22: I don't feel my wings anymore.

Castiel was crying now. Even after everything the angels had done to him, he still felt sorry for those monsters.

Dean looked at the blood-soaked trench coat and decided to try pulling it off to see what wound there was. With horror, he saw that Castiel had two remnants of semi-ripped and dislocated wings hanging from his back. He asked Sam to fetch John, who arrived limping on Sam's shoulder a few minutes later.

-What's wrong ? Said John, calmly.
- My wings... they... they are broken.

John saw in horror Castiel's ragged wings and almost felt like throwing up.
-Don't worry, we fix things all the time, we'll take care of you, Cass. Said Dean, certainly unsure.

He went to John so that they could speak without the angel being able to hear them.
- Can you cure this?
- No, I'm really sorry. The only way to save him from infection is to pull them out.
Dean felt his stomach drop but he would do anything to save his angel.
They came back to Castiel and John asked him to lie on his stomach so he could have access to his back. He also says not to give him anything to bite on, it could damage his mouth. He also asked Sam to hold the angel down and be ready to bring tissue. He complied and Dean squeezed his hand tightly in reassurance.
-Dean what...what's going on ?
John reached for the bone and squeezed it hard before saying he was going to count to three. Castiel moaned in pain.

-D... Dean...What's going to happen to three?
Dean didn't even have the courage to answer him.

-One, two and three!
John ripped off the first wing before Sam hurriedly applied tissue to the blood spurting from the now open wound. Castiel's scream had scratched John's ears so much that he thought he would bleed. It also tore his heart out. Dean's hand was red as the ex-angel had squeezed it tight. He was crying with him trying to reassure him. Dean was white as a ghost like he was the one in pain.

-Dean! Dean, I can't feel my wings anymore! What is going on? I... my wings.
-Shhhhh. It's going to be fine, I'm here, I've got you.

When John leaned towards the other wing, he felt the fear in Castiel's eyes.
-Dean say... him to stop... please. These are my wings...Please.

Dean couldn't answer that even less, and told himself that Cass was going to hate him after all that.

John tore off the second wing but when he expected the scream, nothing. Castiel passed out from pain. Dean hurried to check if he was breathing and saw that his heart was still beating. He took him in his arms and pulled his bleeding face on his torso, and they all hurried back to the bunker.

There, Sam called Aziraphal, while Dean took care of Castiel. Sam then leaned over John's wound which he disinfected before bandaging it.

Everything was swirling around in John's head. It had been almost a month since he left Baker-street and frankly he didn't regret it, but at the same time the last few days have been very stressful. He just wanted to be able to rest for a few hours. But he could not. Anyway, he wouldn't be able to sleep a wink until he was sure and certain that the angel was out of trouble.

Seeing that Aziraphal still didn't arrive, John went to disinfect Castiel's wounds with Dean. When the angel awoke he was at first very unsettled. He tried to get up and walk but having lost a point of stability, everything seemed more difficult. It was like a cat or a dog losing its tail. He had much less stability than before. It first started with great hunger. He had never eaten before and was starving. Dean looked in the bunker fridge but there was nothing but three KitKat bars. Sam and John went shopping. Dean stayed with Castiel.

When Dean and Castiel were alone, they both sat down on the couch.
-So how are you without your...your wings?
He didn't even answer.
-Look, I'm sorry. Really...
-Dean, it's not your fault. It's mine. I was too gullible to metatron. Please don't blame yourself.
he brought the angel closer to him
-I will always find your wings beautiful Cass. Even if they are only scars.

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