Can you hold your promise ?

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Chapter 24: Can you hold your promise?

Back at the Bunker, they all ate a meal. It was silent and no one dared to speak. Dean then left to give Castiel a bath.

He first asked him if it was ok for him to stay in the bathroom and Castiel nodded because he had trouble moving around. He undressed before going in the bath and Dean tried to wash his hair as best he could. He took out a bottle of soap and started lathering the shampoo into Castiel's oily hair.
-It smells very good Dean.
- Yeah, it's lavender.
Dean was mumbling hey Jude as he rinsed Castiel's hair, gently wiping the water from his head to his face.

He also saw the scars of the now powerless, practically human angel. It was two huge, still red slits that ran down his back. He also tried to wash the wounds with alcohol to prevent it from becoming infected.
-It will sting a little bit.
He wiped a washcloth of alcohol and soap over the wounds as Castiel hissed in pain.

He then helped him out and the hunter ruffled his hair with a towel before wrapping him in a comfortable bathrobe.

He came out of the bathroom to see John and Sam in the library.
-Tadaaaa! Dean yelled pointing to the bundled up angel, a big smile on his and Castiel's face.
-Dean hurry up and give him some clothes.
-Stop it, it's not like he was naked, he's in a bathrobe.
-He's going to freeze, Dean.

Dean brought him one of his T-shirts large enough that it wouldn't hurt him too much because of the still fresh wounds on his back and he told him to go to his room.

- But, where are you going to sleep?
-I don't know, I will find a place not too bad I imagine. The Bunker is big.
- I refuse to take your room.
-Cass believe me, it's you who is hurt not me. I don't need a bed to rest, I'll be fine. Do you want me to stay with you?
- Heuuu yes if you say so.
-Are you sure you don't mind?

When they both lay down in Dean's bed, Castiel looked at the stars visible from the bedroom window.
- Am I useless now? I read that a human is expensive in food and care, you don't have to keep me.
Dean was first surprised then deeply saddened by what Castiel thought of himself.
-Yes ?
- Do you know what family means? It means we never give up on anyone. I love you Cass. And whether you're an angel or a human makes absolutely no difference. I will never give up on you ok? You are far too important to me.
-Thank you Dean.
-For what ?
-For loving me. Said Castiel with a gentle and sad smile.
He pulled Castiel closer to him before kissing his hair. Castiel put his head under Dean's chin and fell asleep. Dean lay awake for a long time, holding his love, listening to Cass breathe against his chest and thinking. Thinking of all they had left to go through. How many times Cass and Sam were going to get killed? How many times was John going to suffer? He did not know it. All he knew was that for now, he held his now almost human sleeping angel tightly, protecting him as long as he was alive.

Castiel woke up in the middle of the night screaming Dean's name. Dean woke up with in urge and took Castiel's trembling arm to try to help him. Castiel abruptly pulled out and even fell off the bed

-Dont touch me! He curled up in a corner of the room, his head in his hands. He was pulling his hair hard as if trying to pull it out.
Dean approached as slowly as possible.
-Cass, it's ok, it's me...
-No. weren't there...Metatron! Stop please stop! Dean! Dean help! Dean!
- Cass, I'm here. You're still halfway through a nightmare.

Dean could clearly see that he was having a panic attack. He was crying so much that he was convulsing. Dean moved closer and took Castiel's hand before bringing it to his chest.
-Breathe with me Cass. It's gonna be alright, it's me, it's just me.
Castiel's fingers gripped Dean's shirt tightly. Then, Dean took Castiel's hand to his cheek. He had stopped sobbing but his breathing was still streaky. He inhaled and exhaled as best he could and when he calmed down, Dean pulled him closer and hugged him.

-I got you Cass. It'll be OK. Go back to sleep.
-Don't leave me...please.
Castiel fell asleep again and Dean carried him to the bed where they both slept the rest of the night.

The day an angel knocked on 221B backer street doorWhere stories live. Discover now