Don't pull him away from me

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Chapter 7: Don't pull him away from me.

He waved to the other and they all went to hide upstairs except for John who pretended to make tea. Sherlock ushered Mycroft inside.
- Hello dear brother. It's a pleasure to see you again.
- Don't worry, it's not mutual. Sherlock replied before they went to sit on the armchairs.
- So what are you doing here?
- A new case. which might interest you. Several works of art were stolen and then found several km further completely shredded.
-THANKS . Sherlock said. Maybe Mycroft hadn't noticed.

He walked towards the door and just before Sherlock closed the door Mycroft still in the doorway said calmly:
-Besides, if you could deliver this angel to me, it would be useful for my experiments. If you don't calmly give him to me, I would be in the obligation to take it a more...brutal way. Besides, we both know that I have enough information against the other two young men you're protecting to send them to prison for the rest of their lives. Even though we both know for a fact that they are not guilty of all these murders, the papers say otherwise. On these words, have a nice day !
And Mycroft walked away with a smile.

Sherlock knew full well that was a threat. The 5 of them gather at the table but before they can do anything, Mycroft's men surround the apartment. Dean took Castiel's hand trying to find a weapon to protect himself at the same time but before he could act, two of the agents pinned him against the wall but he held Castiel's hand as firmly as possible while he tried to struggling as three of Mycroft's men pulled him away, and then one of them pulled out a syringe and stuck it in the angel's neck before squirting the pale green serum into it, causing him to fall unconscious in the officers arms.

Dean screamed several times as he and Sam were handcuffed. John and Sherlock were surrounded by armed officers and he knew that if he moved they were going to shoot John. John also started shouting their names but no words or pleas reached Mycroft or his agents.

In no time at all, Sherlock and John were alone in the apartment, two trucks on their way down Baker Street, one containing Castiel and the other the two brothers.

John ran down the street with Sherlock but they couldn't do anything, they were already too far.

Later this day, John didn't have a good night. Replaying in his head Dean's relentless cries, Castiel's tears in his eyes, and Mycroft's smile. John kept telling himself that Castiel was a living being with emotions like everyone else and that he didn't deserve to be treated like a simple laboratory animal.

He was afraid that the angel would die before he confessed his feelings to Dean.

The day an angel knocked on 221B backer street doorWhere stories live. Discover now