The deal

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Chapter 18: The deal

There, he saw Sherlock holding an almost inert Castiel in his arms, forcing him to stand. The veins in his neck were black and blood was flowing from his mouth. The poor angel was agonizing. John was rassures to see that Sherlock didn't had any seizure.

-I don't know what demon you are or why you're doing this, but you're going to regret it very soon. Dean threw holy water at Sherlock and was surprised when it didn't do anything.

- It's me, Dean. I am not possessed. I want to make a deal. Castiel is poisoned with demon blood, which even in very small quantities is lethal to angels. If you promise to leave my brother, John, and me alone for the rest of our lives, I'll give you the recipe for the antidote. Said the detective, calmly.

John felt like crying. He understood why Sherlock was doing this, but in no way would he have agreed with it.
-You sonovab*tch
-SO ? He doesn't have much time left, I'd hurry if I were you.
-D.. Dean... don't... please...don't do
Castiel tried to move but he was much too weak. He weakly tried to defend himself but Sherlock punched him in the stomach causing him to double over on the floor, sobbing.
- You bast*rd! Let him go!
-As soon as you have made your decision, he will be in your arms again.
-Shut up!
Sherlock kicked his throat and he choked and coughed as he tried to squeeze air into his already aching lungs.
-I told you to stop hurting him!
Dean was shaking so much he was pissed off.
-Cass, You'll be fine, I'm here.
-SO? Said Sherlock more and more inpatient.
-I agree but don't think you're not going to regret it one day or the other. Dean spoke in the same voice as the day at the warehouse with Mycroft.

Sherlock dropped Castiel and Dean caught him before he hit the ground. Dean cradled him as he was kneeling on the ground, Castiel's head almost buried in Dean's sweater, moaning and sobbing in pain.
-Cass, shhhhh. I'm here, everything is fine.
The detective handed him a bottle of liquid which he hastened to give to Castiel. The angel began to shake and scream in pain.

John sat down next to them, not meeting Sherlock's gaze. He took the angel's hand as he was shaking and convulsing from the antidote. Castiel suddenly passed out.
-Hey Cass, look at me please. Dean cupped his face to make sure he really felt better but the angel didn't wake up.
-He's breathing Dean, don't worry he just fell asleep. Hastened to say John seeing that the hunter was starting to worry. Sam continued to point his gun at Sherlock.

-The powder he also swallowed can be used for a fatal spell. If you try to break our agreement I would only have to pronounce the inquantagion and if it is not me it will be Mycroft or even John...
-Never Sherlock ever. John sounded harsh as he surveyed Castiel's louse.
-I will never do something like this. continue John.
- But John, it was the only solution...
-You know very well that we could have managed without you hurting your friend Sherlock. When the Winchesters return to North America, I will go with them.

Sherlock wanted to cry and answer him but within moments John, Sam, Dean with Castiel in his arms had already left the apartment leaving the detective alone in the middle of his mistake.

The day an angel knocked on 221B backer street doorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon