Never forget to breath

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Chapter 30: Never forget to breath.

John and Castiel had been hitchhiking for about an hour.

Finally, a truck stopped.

-I can take you but, your friend is staying here. He looks sick. I don't want him to die in the truck, no worries.

John couldn't believe what he was hearing. As if there was a chance that he would accept.
- Go ahead John. I can wait for the next one. Said Castiel.
-Don't even think of that.

And the truck left.

A second stopped and picked them both up. He had no idea of the destination so he just asked the driver to take them to the nearest town. Castiel, exhausted, fell asleep on John in the ride.

It was pitch dark when they arrived in town a day later. It was horribly cold and they didn't have enough money to afford even the cheapest motel room. Castiel was shivering and coughing and John could see he was sick. He had to find shelter quickly.

When they arrived under a bridge, they settled in the place most protected from the wind before sticking to each other in order to sleep and protect each other from the cold. Castiel fell asleep almost instantly on John who was trying to protect him from the cold and shelter him by hugging him.

John, for the first time in his life, tried to pray. Not to an absent god. At Aziraphale.

- Please if you can hear me and you are still alive, I need your help. I know I never gave you back the device for saving our lives and I have nothing to give you but, please help us or at least, help Castiel. He's sick and I'm afraid we don't have enough money to pay for any treatment. If we spend another night in this cold I fear the worst. He doesn't deserve to freeze to death, away from his home and love.

Seeing that there was no response, John hugged the angel's body tighter. before falling asleep. He was awakened by Castiel's voice.
- I... I'm sorry Dean. I'm sorry, please come back. It's all my fault...I'm sorry. Do not leave me... I'm so sorry...come back...come back...
Castiel was having a nightmare and was crying in it. He decided to rock him and quietly sing him a song to stop the nightmare. He also ran a hand through his hair to try to reassure him.

-🎶 Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end
Sun digs its heels to taunt you
But after sunset days, one thing stays the same
Rise the moon
Days fade into a watercolor blur
Memories swim and haunt you
But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke
Rise the moon
Oh-oh, close your weary eyes
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To darken fading summer skies
Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Never forget to breathe, Castiel. And with that they both fell asleep again.

Song: Rises the moon.

The day an angel knocked on 221B backer street doorWhere stories live. Discover now