chapter thirty five

Start from the beginning

No but also it couldn't have been those powers that she has mean something. And no matter how long she had to do what it takes to trigger and master them again.

Control. If she didn't have an idea on how to control them and when to activate them how else was she going to know?

Ughhhhhh. She lifts her hands up in frustration. When she did however she felt a pinch of water on her cheek. AZ confused, stares for a moment before moving her hand to meet where the water had landed. She stares at the cup.

Her mind swirled and swirled with thoughts. Did her emotions have to do with keeping her newfound powers in check?

Looking at the clock. She had only a couple of more hours until she had to meet back at the training room with the others. Wiping the water on her cheek she waves her hand around until she places it to focus. Hoping that the result would be different.

Well it ended up failing. She dragged her feet, kind of tired from the amount of time she had spent reaching her hand out and waiting for an outcome when it didn't show. Holding her medical bag she gets ready to enter the room.

There was no demonstration but everyone was doing their drills. Bree was up and she had been receiving some taunting looks from Vaughn, Blake and surprisingly Sydney. She had thought since the last time she worked with her cousin they would be cool.

Guess not. Fake bitches.

The three of them notice when she walks in and begin to make fun of her dragged stature. She immediately straightens and rolls her eyes. Calling them out once she does.

"Don't snicker in the corner like a bunch of school mean girls." She calls out with a sadistic grin. "If you have the guts, you would say what you want to our faces." Referring to Bree as well. She didn't like when people made her cousin uncomfortable, she was going to shut it down quick.

Vaughn is about to open his mouth and she's ready for his nasty comeback when Owens shout echos in the training room.

"Vassal Carter!" She stares at him puzzled when he summons her to talk. It seemed the rest of the Pages had stopped as well to watch. Sel had shown up too and was sitting on the bench. She was trying so hard to not meet his gaze.

She readies herself and makes her way over, Bree tries to catch her with a questioning look but AZs too focused on the Liege.

Owen noticing almost everyone had stopped their drills, says firmly. "Me speaking with Vassal Carter was not an excuse for you all to stop." Immediately they go back to what they were doing but some of their eyes still lingered.

AZ faces him with a cheeky smile. "What's up sir? I didn't know I was that special to cast out." Owen rolls his eyes a bit at her sarcastic tone. She realized he had a paper in hand. From her view it looked like a schedule? Her thought was broken when he decided to speak again.

"As you can see I definitely wouldn't cast you out for no reason."

"Of course." She responds simply.

"But.." He pulls the paper out more and hands it out to her, hesitantly she takes it. "I was thinking about what we talked about that other night and took some time to consider it." AZ widens her eyes. She was right, it was a schedule.

Vassal Carters Combat Training Schedule.

Instructor: Owen Roberts.

She was staring at it in excitement for so long she didn't realize the Liege was still talking until he snatched the paper back. "Hey! I was reading that." A pause once she realized her mistake. "Sir."

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