Chapter 10

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TW: rape
There will be a warning where it begins and ends.

The night of the party.

Kaveh got ready, grabbed his phone, keys, and out the door he went. As he was in mid way of shutting the door he stopped and walked back in, he found himself stood in front of alhaitham's door, debating to tell him he was leaving. Kaveh took a deep breath and decided. He knocked on the door. Alhaitham stirred awake with a groaned that Kaveh heard. Kaveh explained he was leaving, Alhaitham sighed, not bothering to stop the blonde and turned on his phone.

Kaveh made it to Cora's house, he knocked on the door and Kai opened it. She gasped at who it was and clapped, suddenly she grabbed kaveh's hand and pulled him in the house before explaining he was the last one to arrive and they were getting nervous that he wouldn't show up. Kaveh looked around, he noticed it was mainly his lady classmates, a few more girls, and few of their boyfriends. But he shrugged it off, but if alhaitham was there he would have instantly noticed that something was wrong, of course.

Kaveh started to chuckle at the thought of alhaitham, and it got Kai's attention.

"What's funny?" She asked, getting closer to the blonde.

"I was just thinking of something stupid alhaitham said." He said, then spotted Cora. "Umm, I'm going to talk to Cora." He said and left Kai.

Kai watched as Kaveh walked to Cora, she caught the her younger sister's gaze and the younger sister seemed to get frightened by her older sister as kaveh started talking to her.

"Hey, kaveh!" Cora said while avoiding eye contact with the blonde.

"Thanks for inviting me." Kaveh thanked her.

Cora started to fidget with her hoodie while glancing to Kai. "Oh, uh, it- it was Kai's idea to invite you, and this party! She's also my older sister." She nervously said, still avoiding eye contact.

Kaveh took notice that she was glancing behind him and looked behind him to see Kai going from a frown to a smile instantly. Kaveh turned back to Cora and hesitantly nodded.

"Uhh, so what do you guys have planned for tonight?" He asked.

Kai popped up out of nowhere, scaring him. "Truth or dare, spin the bottle, 7 minutes of heaven..." she continued on, but Kaveh started to realize he might be the only gay guy here out of a bunch of girls and their boyfriends, this was going to be awkward and not enjoyable. "And strip or dare! So what do you want to do first?" She asked.

Both kaveh and Cora nervously laughed and looked at each other, "Truth or Dare." Kaveh responded and Cora agreed.

Kai got everyone in a circle with a bottle, she explained how to play, who ever spins the bottle has to give a truth or dare to the person it lands on then it passes on to the next person. She spun first, and the bottle landed on Cora's girlfriend. Kai let out a sigh, being disappointed that it didn't land on kaveh who sat beside Cora's girlfriend.

Few rounds past and the bottle finally landed on kaveh. He let out a small yes and the girl that spun the bottle asked the question, Kaveh chose dare.

"Send a spicy picture to the last person you texted. With no explanation."

Kaveh agreed, he took out his phone and opened up his messages to instantly turn off his phone and look at the girl. The last person he messaged was alhaitham.

"Uhh, can i choose truth?"

Kai giggled, "No silly, you choose dare now do the dare."

"I- fine." Kaveh sighed, "I'm going to the bathroom to take one." He said and stood up to go to the bathroom to take one considering he didn't have one at the ready.

Actions have Consequences {haikaveh/Kavetham}Where stories live. Discover now