Chapter 14

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^Cyno has nothing to do with this chapter, but look at the short boy^

The two walked through the mall, alhaitham legs wanting to give out so bad at any moment. He seemed completely normal, not a care in the world, just walking through the mall with kaveh by his side, but really his body aches, it has only been a hour and a half since that moment.

Kaveh grabbed ahold of alhaitham's wrist "Oh! Let's go th-" he went to drag him to a shop but was stopped by Alhaitham removing his wrists.

"Kaveh, can we take a break." Alhaitham asked while stretching his aching back.

"Why? You seem fine." Alhaitham gave a glare that said everything, "Ok let's take a break."

While they walked to the closest bench that sat in the middle of the mall, kaveh couldn't get the memory of this morning out of his head. Alhaitham's red flushed face, his back arched with his ass stuck in the air, and the sound of him moaning kaveh's name over and over.

Alhaitham looked over to kaveh and saw he was staring at him and waved a hand in front of the blonde's face. "What, did your brain stop?"

Kaveh snapped out of thought and looked away from Alhaitham before he could get hard. He didn't say anything back at alhaitham's remark and stayed silent. Alhaitham crossed his arms and scoffed, he wanted kaveh to at least do something, it's not fun when he doesn't.

Kaveh bounced his leg up and down while glancing over to alhaitham. He let out a sigh and finally faced him again.

"Are you rested up now?" He asked while impatiently kicking his feet.

"Someone seems to be impatient." Alhaitham said while putting a hand on kaveh's knee to stop his legs from moving.

Kaveh looked down at alhaitham's hand on his knee and bit his lip. "I need to use the bathroom." He said and looked back up to alhaitham.

Alhaitham looked around for one and spotted one, "It's over there." He said while pointing to it.

Kaveh stood up but looked at alhaitham, "I-I need you to come with me." He said in a bit on an embarrassed tone.

Alhaitham blinked in confusion, the last few times kaveh's been out he went to the bathroom alone, and demanded it. But this was different. Alhaitham squinted his eyes at the blonde, kaveh gave a fake smile. Alhaitham stood up too and followed kaveh into the bathroom.

Kaveh looked around to make sure everyone was out before clinging onto alhaitham. "I need you." Kaveh whispered.

"What?" Alhaitham said while pushing kaveh away a little for he could see his face.

Kaveh had his arms wrapped around alhaitham's neck, he pulled him down and kissed his lips. "I can't stop thinking about you and your beautiful body." He moved in for another kiss that lasted longer.

Alhaitham didn't fight back, he liked it, but they were still in a public bathroom that someone could walk in any moment. As much as he wanted to stay in that position with kaveh stuck to his body, he couldn't. It has only been almost two hours since his insides got destroyed. Alhaitham  felt kaveh's hands sneak down from around his neck to his chest, he stepped back from kaveh, before he could go lower.

"Couldn't you at least wait until we're home? We are in a bathroom. Plus it hasn't even been two hours. " Alhaitham muttered while trying to fix his hair.

Kaveh crossed his arms and let out a huff, but the more he thought about it alhaitham was right. He dropped his arms to his side and went to walk out of the bathroom, alhaitham stopped him and grabbed his chin to make him look up, kaveh stood still wait for anything to be said or happen. Nothing ending up happening.

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