It was early in the work day when an agency-wide message went out, ordering all heroes to report to the conference room on the fifth floor. Kuri and Katsuki rushed back to the building from their patrol route, discussing the unexpected summons on the way. It was rare for Endeavor to call all his employees into a meeting, so Katsuki knew that meant some shit was going down.

They arrived to a packed room and found Deku and Shoto standing against the wall with the newer recruits. The senior sidekicks sat at the table with Endeavor. Suspense and gloom filled the air to the point of suffocation. More sidekicks filed in, and within a minute of Katsuki and Kuri's arrival, the meeting commenced.

"The chief of police has informed me of a major case that must be dealt with immediately," Endeavor began. "This morning, ten kindergarteners were taken hostage for ransom, and through certain means, we have determined they are currently being held in an abandoned building in the northern part of Shizuoka prefecture."

At the word "hostage," Katsuki heard Kuri sharply inhale, and he immediately glanced at her, worried for her mental well-being. Katsuki assumed a kidnapping case out of the blue would trigger her, and he was right to be concerned. Her eyes were wide and untrained on anything in particular.

"No..." Kuri breathed, the sound barely audible above what Endeavor was saying. Her fists had curled so tight her knuckles whitened.

"The police and kidnappers have been in negotiations for the past several hours and just arranged a trade for tomorrow afternoon," Endeavor continued. "However, the police would like us to intercept the children before the trade occurs."

As a high-ranking sidekick asked Endeavor what this mission would entail, Katsuki leaned closer to his girlfriend, letting his hand graze against hers in solidarity. Her hand relaxed, and she linked her pinky finger with his. Her expression turned nonchalant, but Katsuki saw through the facade; he knew Kuri had a flashback.

"We are unsure how many kidnappers are involved, but the police estimate there to be over a dozen, so we plan to bring twelve people along for this mission," Endeavor stated. "Those best suited for this mission have already been chosen. All remaining sidekicks should expect to be assigned extra work tomorrow."

He listed off the names of those obligated to participate in the mission and dismissed everyone who wasn't called. Katsuki watched as the extras left. His inclusion in the operation was no surprise, but Katsuki wasn't necessarily happy about the implications of putting all four work study kids on this job.

"I'll wrap this up quickly because we have limited time," Endeavor said. "Firstly, we will strike at five in the morning. Experienced sidekicks will accompany me to handle direct confrontation, and the UA students will enter elsewhere to retrieve the hostages. More details will be provided on-site before the mission launches. For now, everyone, please return home to prepare for an overnight stay and report back here by six so we may depart. Lodgings have been arranged for you at a town near the abandoned building."

"Do all four of us really need to go?" Shoto asked before Katsuki could. It seemed they had the same idea to look out for Kuri. He had to commend Shoto, even if it enraged Katsuki that another guy had beaten him to the punch. "One of us should stay behind for regular patrol work."

"Shoto, I'm not sure you understand," Endeavor said condescendingly, but with the weird added element of familiarity. "This will be a difficult operation but a valuable learning experience. Be grateful that you can work on this case. It means that we've recognized your usefulness for this task. All four of you will be coming with us."

Shoto did not shrink back in the face of his father's ironic coldness, instead turning his head away from the man to offer Kuri an apologetic look.

"It's okay. I'm okay," Kuri muttered with a forced smile before diverting her gaze to the floor. Kuri's grip on Katsuki's pinky got so strong in that moment that he felt his fingertip tingle with the loss of sensation.

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