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4 years after Stray Kids parted ways

Jisung found himself in front of the 9 lives criminal.

Fate brought the two most wanted criminals in Korea together, robbing the same house at the same time. What were the odds, right?

He wore a mask that made it almost impossible for him to recognize his enemy. Only think he could actually see were his eyes that stared on shock with their pupils small like two black dots. It seemed like he didn't expect to see Jisung either.

As they stayed frozen, one in front of the other, their faces bathed in the red and blue lights of the police cars waiting for them outside.

He didn't hesitate a second. The unknown man took Jisung by the wrist and dragged him out of the house through a secondary entrance.

They got inside his car and Jisung shifted in his passager seat, feeling scared of the fact he was in a stranger's car, driving to God knew where.

-Where are we going? he asked only to be ignored by the other.

He grasped the steering wheel and turned it right, making the older pressed the break and stop the car outside the road.

He turned off the lights and leaned down, to hide from the police cars passing by in a rush.

-Who are you? Jisung asked again, holding a gun at the other's forehead.

The older gave Jisung his ID, covering the photo with his thumb.

The younger could only read the name: Han Yejun.

-Keep driving. But we're going to my place, he said with his gun still aiming to the other's head.

The latter obeyed and drove to a poor neighbourhood where, at the 5th floor, in a rented two room apartment, Jisung was hiding from the police.

-Now... he threw the keys on the desk. I wanna see your face.

The older approached and grabbed the gun from Jisung's hands. He pushed him to the wall and put the gun under the younger's chin.

-It was a really big deal you ruined today, princess, he said as he took his mask off.

The colour from Jisung's cheeks drained while his breath got stuck in his throat.


He looked tired, his eyes swollen and red. His hair grew into brown curls chopped messily with a pair of scissors. Some wrinkles formed around the corner of his eyes whether he closed them or frowned. But he was the same for Jisung. And that he hated the most.

-Yejun. That's my name now. It's been a while, Jisung, he let the boy go and backed off.

Minho took his sweet moment to admire the younger. How his body gained a bit of weight, giving his muscles a beautiful round form. His face was the same except for a scar above his right eyebrow that was stiched by him.

-How? You...You died.

-Almost, he corrected him. They took me to the hospital. Doctor Hoseok announced my sudden death to the police. I changed names, travelled a bit and reached for Yeosang to help me activate on the Black Market again.

-And you didn't think of telling me? The younger got angrier.

-Jisung, I wanted you to have a good life. I didn't want to come and ruin whatever you had going on. I would have made more money and then come for you. To have the life we wanted. I never stopped thinking about you. I took my name from you. I just needed more time to make it work. I'm sorry...

-You should have called! You should have...

-I erased everything about Lee Minho. Calling you meant putting you in danger. I couldn't allow that, my love.

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें